Sugilite Guide - Gem Coach

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what does sugilite do for you - win

Steven universe episode 3: not my diamond problem/ read the note



Episode three: Not my diamond problem

Note:the episode volly ball is canon in this rewrite. It is the second episode here and I consider it a decent episode of future.

With spinel being the pink diamond replacement, you’d think that having 2 gems acting has pink diamond would help things out. Well… as far as homeworld was concerned, there was still 1 pink diamond, the other…. Was just a clown who had an agate rank. This made the era 3 enforcement…. Difficult
Spinel: For the last time:STOP! BUILDING! WEAPONS!
Agate cut345: or what, your just a jester gem
Spinel: and this jester gem beat up 3 war veterans. What makes you think you're gonna be any safer.
Agate: You aren’t my diamond!
Spinel: according to the diamonds, I am!
Agate: but this isn’t a weapon, it just creates a beam of light that focuses in a certain area that parts the particles in that targe- i mean, selected area.
Agate: well FINE! Come on, this clow rock said we have to stop protecting the homeworld from threats.
Back at the diamond palace. Spinel walked in looking very defeated, she had tried everything in the book, dressed like a high rank. And had even extended her entire body, well the last one she stopped because she just looked very stretched out. But the gems would seem to find any excuse to not follow rules, and sometimes spinel would have to get a diamond because homeworld gems didn’t want to listen, and rebel gems still resented them for corrupting them 6000 years ago. Well rebel gems weren’t much of the problem any way. But the homeworld gems were
Yellow diamond: Oh hello spinel! You seem tired
Spinel: i just don’t get it, why am the only one who the gems don't listen to. Aren’t i wanna of you guys now
Yellow diamond: yes of course
Spinel: then why won't they listen to me
Yellow diamond: well…. Um
Spinel: it's useless, i’ll think i'll just quit this all together. There’s no point in having a job you can’t even do right!
Yellow Diamond:..... Maybe there's something I can do to fix this. Follow me.
Yellow led spinel to her room, where yellow pearl was.
Yellow pearl: hello my diamond, is there anything i can do for you today, at least 1 thing!
Yellow diamond: Has a matter of fact there is. Could you please let me demonstrate something on you
Yellow pearl: OF course my diamond
Spinel: what is this
Yellow diamond: you’ll see
Spinel then watched her use her diamond powers to change yellow pears size from pearl sized to sugilite sized.
Spinel: WOAH!
Yellow diamond: pretty impressive, instead of destroying forms, I can change them, their size, their body proportions, anything.
Spinel: cool! But how does this solve my problem?
Yellow diamond: if homeworld wont see you has a diamond, i'll just alter you shape to be like a diamond
Blue diamond: HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!
Blue diamond walked up to yellow: yellow, don't you think you should make home world respect spinel has a diamond, instead of “fixing spinel”
Yellow diamond: but this is what spinel wants, right?
Spinel was unsure. On one hand, the gems were not gonna respect her as a diamond if she did look like a spinel, on the other hand why should she have to change just to get some respect out of these gems, but on the other other hand, being shaped like a diamond did sound pretty cool.
Spinel: WELP! I'm out of hands
Blue diamond: what?
Spinel: I mean, I agree with yellow.
Blue diamond: but… well fine, it's your choice spinel.
Five minutes later
Yellow diamond: DONE! What do you think
Spinel: i look….. Like a diamond!
And spinel sure did. She had a dress akin to that of blue’s, a shirt akin to yellows, and she even had a cape.
Spinel: jee im so happy that i could sing! in fact- iiiiiiiiiIIIIIIiiiiii, i can-
Blue diamond: sorry spinel, but the person writing this doesn’t have a song in the budget!
Spinel: Aw what!?
Yellow: anyway don’t you still have work to do
Spinel: oh ya!
Has spinel ran off to finally get respected has a diamond, blue turned to yellow with angry face
Blue: if this fails like last time. I will crack you
Yellow: don't worry, what's the worst that can happen.
Soon home world had a harder time defying spinel’s orders, because now she was truly a diamond, at least, diamond seized. At first, life seemed good, the gems no longer bothered (as much) to argue with her. But she realised that being diamond sized had its problems, for one, not every place is made for diamonds, some were at most built for someone opal sized. Sometimes spinel would just unexpectedly hit her head on things she’d normally slip right under. And then on her 7th day of being diamond sized, she discovered another problem.
There was a hike that was meant to be led by steven but he was busy with other problems (will be covered in episode 4) so they needed some other gem to do it, spinel offered to go lead it, despite pearl’s protest, she still allowed her to go. This would be where a major problem would occur.
Spinel: now walk very carefully, you don't want to fall and crack your gem
Nephrite: ok…. Hey do you hear that cherry
Cherry quartz: what
Nephrite: sounds like cracking
Pearl: amethyst
Amethyst: don't worry its not my gem,
Nephrite: no more like, rocks crumpling
Spinel: probably no-
She was gonna say nothing, but then the sounds location was revealed, the rocks spinel was standing on collapse and spinel fell down the mountain. Is now a bad time to say this mountain was on a floating base in the sky?
Pearl: oh that's what I was afraid of. When spinels size change it multiplied her weight every square meter, this increased her weight which made the rocks collapse
Amethyst: why do you think i ordered the group to stay 15 feet away, i knew DUH!
Pearl:....well wonder’s we’ll never see.
Amethyst: Now let's go save spinel! Peridot, float me after her.
Has spinel was falling down the mountain, peridot manege to float near to her and amethyst carefully lassonde it around her foot
Amethyst:now stop this thing
Peridot: I'M TRYING! But i’ve slowed us down to only 18 mph less
Amethyst: we need more power! Wait, I got it! If magnets can be created or have their strength increased by using electricity, Then….
Amethyst pulled out battery: TA DA!..... Peri why do you look like you’ve seen a ghost? Is it so surprising that i like to read every once in a while.
Peridot: but how is that gonna work
Amethyst: oh i'm just gonna clamp these prongs onto you.
Peridot: OOoooh- WAIT WHAT
Amethyst: just trust me
Amethyst clapped the prongs onto peridot and everything stopped. Then spinel went up. Apparently the wip now acted has a bungee cord, and spinel was now going up
Peridot: wait, if i was trying to pull this plate up and spinel is going up, doesn’t that mean- ! AMETHYST LET GO BE- to late
Amethyst was now flying up with spinel, up over the mountain peak and back down of the spire. Into a lake.
Spinel: OW! Me entire body hurts
Amethyst: well at least you not cracked, hey what's that weird pink rock thats all long and jaggy
Spinel then glitched out and amethyst then connected the dots.
Amethyst: OOOOOOOooooooooooohhhhhhhh…….
Needless to say, blue was not happy, the last time yellow did this, the gem had nearly been shattered. Yellow managed to fix her gem. But blue was still angry.
Blue:I said this would happen. Yellow change her back right now
Spinel: but then i can’t enforce era 3 rules, and that was the whole point
Yellow: right?
Blue: but this is ridiculous! Think about it, spinel, you had to alter your form for what, because people wouldn’t listen to you? You shouldn’t have to change yourself just because of others!
Spinel was gonna retort back with something but then thought about it. Blue was right, she had changed herself because the gems didn’t listen to her. And when she thought about this more, it actually hadn’t solved the problem, they weren’t listening to her, they were listening to diamond her, and that hadn’t really been the spinel she wanted to be, not the jokester, always smiling, happy spinel, but the strict, straight face, monotone spinel that everyone expected of a diamond.
Spinel: I guess you're right. I shouldn't have tried to change myself to suit others.
Blue: good, now let's go back to how things were.
Spinel: actually, i have a suggestion
So spinel got a chance to now look more like a jester, wacky hair, one side of her face normal, the other painted in a pink and black plaid color scheme. Sure gems didn’t listen to her as much but at least she was just her.
THE END oh wait there's more
Back at the mysterious space station. The gems there seemed to be working overtime to complete their project.
Mystery gem: so we have the rendering of her look. Now we just edit it to fix one of her problems. Any ways hows our spy going.
Kyanite: oh its going great, its who the’ll least suspect.
The screen would light up has one of the gems were talking to them, they said: thanks for helping me out, volleyball
To be continued
submitted by ZenithRedditor12 to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

I'm currently writing a super detailed Ben 10 Timeline, here's what I got so far.

The Creation of Time

4.543 Billion Years Ago

Millions of Years Ago

Ice Age

Bronze Age

The 3rd century

The 10th century

The Maya civilization constructed a temple to hold the Sword of Ek Chuaj.

The 11th century

The 12th century

The 15th century

The 16th century

The 18th century

The Plumbers were first established by the founding fathers in the 1700s. George Washington was one of the first members.

The 19th century

The Plumbers fought mostly paranormal and dimensional trouble until the appearance of the alien Eon in the early 1800s.

The 20th century

Early 2000s

Summer 2005 (Ben 10)

May 27, 2005 (And Then There Were 10)
Season 1
Season 2
submitted by Levichurch to Ben10 [link] [comments]

The Backstory & Dropped Plot Thread List [VERY LONG]

While it began with a settled backstory, a direction in mind, and a lot of ideas, a lot of Steven Universe was left to grow while the show was being made. It seems to have taken a writer's playground approach to construction. While a lot of the ideas in the backstory were used, there were a ton of abandoned plot threads and elements. This is not a comprehensive list, but I cover a lot of them. Please chime in with your own!
Laser Light Cannon: How did Greg end up with the cannon? Why did Rose give it to him? What about that totem pole with gem-like figures on it? How about the golf clubs with roses embroidered on it? Concerning Greg and Rose's relationship, there's still a ton of things we never learned.
Cheeseburger Backpack: We never did find out the significance of the Lunar Sea Spire. I suppose the statue is supposed to resemble Blue Diamond... but it doesn't, really. There's a lot of ancient gem culture that's still a mystery. (The LSS was revisited, by the way, in Attack The Light.)
Together Breakfast: One of the biggies: what is up with the Crystal Heart, which we're given to understand is the core of the Temple. (And, why is it a "temple?" What do gems worship? I can understand Cartoon Network being standoffish about depictions of religion in this political climate, even if they're fictional, but c'mon, this is a show that fearlessly showed animation's first lesbian wedding.) Also, what was the scroll that Garnet was burning, which got into Steven's breakfast?
Frybo: Everything about Peedee.
Cat Fingers: The Gem Sloop is shown one other time in the series, in storage in Pearl's head.
Bubble Buddies: A lot of other things about the Crystal Temple (name assumed) are left mysterious, like how it was made and some things about the nature of its extradimensional space. It's crumbling now (and puts Connie in danger in the process). We also see a gigantic stone sword out in the ocean--since the Temple figure is of Obsidian, we presume that's a representation of her sword. We never see the temple in its original form throughout the whole series, not even in flashback.
Serious Steven: The whole thing about the Ziggurat, and the event depicted on its mural, remains unknown. It shows Rose, but the gem she's fighting we don't know. It looks kind of like White, but her gem is in the wrong place. Also, what are those black figures in the background, and what are those hands coming up from below? Does that represent the Cluster? The way the pedestal turns when Steven shows up to collect the gem at its core seems significant, but what was the gem? Why was it waiting for Steven?
Tiger Millionaire: Why is that Beach City warehouse used for civic functions despite the big hole in its side? There's also a lot of wrestling characters who don't show up again (except in its sequel, Tiger Philanthropist).
Steven's Lion: The Desert Glass is never brought up again. It appears there's a whole class of gem that's not sentient, but still has limited intelligence. These are not revisited later, even in Future.
Arcade Mania: A big one IMO, what was going on with Sapphire when Garnet was playing Meat Beat Mania? This is a heavy hint that Garnet was a fusion, of course (and before Giant Woman!), but what was happening to her is never explained.
Giant Woman: It was nice to see the Heaven and Earth Beetles uncorrupted in Future (they're still called beetles though). The contents of the Little Beetle Bedroom are weird though, seeing as how they implied that the Heaven Beetle, at least, had some of her mind intact. And a little beetle backpack, and Sega Genesis, as well. (We can probably presume that this was an artist joke, though.) Also: we never see where the Earth Beetle was hanging out. Also, the two are never bubbled but put into a terrarium. And we never find out about the sensory powers of Garnet's visor, that allowed her to find them.
So Many Birthdays: We see a grown-up form of Steven that doesn't match what we see in Future, but we can presume that Steven's physical form is fluid enough to explain that.
Lars and the Cool Kids: Rose's experiments, or whatever they were, with plant life are not hearkened back to much, although the pink gems that appear when the moss blooms do show up later, in Rising Tides Crashing Skies.
Onion Trade: Pearl seems upset when Garnet breaks her duplicating wand; what was it? Where did she get it? Was it one of the trinkets available for accessorizing Pearls at The Reef? Also: why was Amethyst annoyed that Pearl's stuff keeps falling down into her room (also mentioned in Cheeseburger Backpack) when Pearl keeps stuff in her head? Was Pearl's storage system a bit "leaky" before?
Steven the Sword Fighter: We find out the sky arena was a platform Blue Diamond used to help oversee the colony's construction, but the significance of the statues is still not known.
Lion 2: The Movie: Rose's Armory has a ton of things in it (some of them named in Rose's Scabbard) that are never referred to again. That giant penny, in addition to being an excellent reference to Batman, kind of implies that Rose tried her hand as being a superhero for a while.
Beach Party: Not too much unexplained, although the gem's making new clothes for themselves is something that rarely comes up again.
Rose's Room: Why does the whale in Rose's Room speak with Rose's voice? At this point, Steven has never heard it before. Also, why is the room's existence set and definite, unlike Sardonyx's room? Maybe the rules are different for fusion rooms.
Coach Steven: It's a shame that Sugilite only got a speaking role in this one episode, probably because of the expense of getting Nikki Minaj again. This is an interesting episode for demonstrating that fusing can be dangerous too (which is called back upon when we get to Malachite). Also, the Communications Tower, which shows up again in Cry For Help, is interesting as an example of old gem tech.
Joking Victim: What was up with that giant ice cream cone Mayor Dewey was unveiling? ("It melted, Gary!")
An Indirect Kiss: The area around Rose's Fountain is interesting. Who built all this, Crystal Gems during the war? Where did they get so many of Rose's tears from? We also get an indication that Rose's animate plants, without her, were directionless. We can presume that Rose controlled them while she was around, while Steven's are more self-motivated, perhaps as an evolution of his powers.
Mirror Gem/Ocean Gem: Lapis is crazy strong! Like, could possibly terraform a planet by herself strong! She can even travel in space under her own power! This is referred to later, in Future, but not explained. Another thing is the practice of gems putting other gems into object, which seems torturous. I hope that practice died out.
House Guest: Man, that Geode seems ominous. I guess that's some heavy-duty duct tape Greg used, as it's still holding up. Maybe the gems, or even the Diamonds, found another way to fix it themselves.
Space Race: Pearl is pretty amazing, even if her ship didn't make it out of Earth's gravity well. At the time we were left to assume that the ship's controls were an example of gem technology, but now it seems likely that they were her creation, perhaps adapted from Earth objects. Also, this is our introduction to The Barn, and the portrait of Greg's uncle and aunt, who we never find out much about, despite their picture appearing as late as Future.
Island Adventure: The origin of the geodes on the island, and the mask fish, are unknown, although we do know the site ended up being the home of the Watermelon Stevens. Did they ever uncorrupt the invisible gem monster?
Keep Beach City Weird: I guess we can presume that the gem from Horror Club was still in the lighthouse back then.
Fusion Cuisine: The restaurant doesn't show up again, except possibly as a site for one of Steven's photos of Connie on his phone.
Lion 3 Straight to Video: We still don't know the full nature of the extradimensional space that Lion connects to (and later Lars). We can suspect that part of it is similar to whatever gem technology produced the interior of the Crystal Temple, but not how it was able to bridge distances in space; gems usually used warp pads for that, not extradimensional spaces. There's trees in there, and grass, and a sun, but no breathable air. It seems to be connected with one of Pink Diamond's still-mysterious powers, which may explain why she didn't tell the other gems about it.
Alone Together: The warehouse shows up again.
Warp Tour: The nature of Warp Space is interesting. How robonoids are made is left up in the air, but we do know that Pearl experimented with one, and Peridot eventually got more when relations with Homeworld thawed.
Horror Club: They never returned to the huge gem that Steven saves in the lighthouse, and we never return to Ronaldo and Lars' relationship.
Maximum Capacity: Greg's stuff is still in Amethyst's room at the end of this episode, where I presume it's victim to the whims of her nebulous storage system. Now that Greg's rich, presumably he could find a place for all of it. Speaking of rich... Greg mentions his uncle has a mansion, and he has the deed somewhere!
Marble Madness: The gem mutants subplot just sort of went away. Presumably there's still some forced fusions hanging around Earth. Maybe Yellow Diamond will spend some time hunting them up in order to try to repair them.
Rose's Scabbard: What's the origins of the floating islands hanging over the Strawberry Battlefield?
Open Book: Implies that Rose's Room has some kind of innate intelligence.
Story for Steven: There's a ton of implied backstory in these flashback episodes, from Greg and Rose's relationship to the gem-influenced history of Beach City to the citizens' relationship with the gems, that we never find out more about. I feel like there's more than enough for a Steven Universe Past series, someday.
Political Power: Mayor Dewey notes that the population of Beach City need their electronic distractions to avoid thinking about the fact that disasters keep happening, which is interesting. Ocean Town being somehow even worse off than Beach City is a hilarious joke, but it's also difficult to imagine how that could be so unless there's some huge, undetected gem threat lurking there.
The Return/Jailbreak: The hand ship is interesting--it's not one of the Diamond's ships, it's green, and also not a whole arm. Why do gems build ships in the shape of body parts?
Joy Ride: The fluid in Peridot's escape pod is interesting; Steven can breathe it, but it never comes up again.
Reformed: The Slinker escapes and never comes up again (although it may be the monster the gems fight in the short where Steven unboxes his hot dog bag).
Sworn to the Sword: Connie's swordfighting, while awesome, didn't actually turn out to be as important as her empathy, and her willingness to tell off gigantic gem matriarchs. Pearl mentions underwater and low-gravity training, which sound awesome, but we never got to see.
Keystone Motel: Greg reveals that he knows Garnet's a fusion here.
Onion Friend: There's a lot about Onion that's mysterious, although I think most of it was added as a huge joke on the audience, a gigantic red herring.
Historical Friction: Helps fill in the blanks about the early history of Beach City (which appears to be the founding site for the US, like Plymouth Rock, in Steven Universe's alternate version of Earth).
Friend Ship: The whole ship is interesting. It's implied that it was one of the first colony ships from Homeworld, which means Pearl and Pink Diamond may have ridden in one of them.
There's more in later episodes, but they decrease in number as the show's focus narrows and the plot takes a stronger role. The Moon Base, the Jungle Moon and the shattered planet it orbits, the Star Incinerator, Emerald, what we see of Homeworld, and other things I'm sure, all hint to the larger picture around the show. What have you always wondered about?
submitted by johnwharris to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Vilgax vs [ALIEN]

Ok, so quick disclaimer: It has been a long, long time since I last watched the series all the way through, so i am likely to get stuff wrong. Correct me as much as you want, please just be nice about it. I'll put an asterisk beside every alien I don't know as much about, or lack full confidence in my assessment of.
So, this is basically a list of every alien and whether or not they could beat Vilgax alone. No previous alien beat down or outside help.
Only reffering to OG series through to Ultimate Alien. Ignoring Omniverse as i know nothing about the aliens there.
Conditions: There is no holding back in any way, Ben is blood thirsty. This is sixteen year old ben with experience against OG series vilgax for the sake of it being a proper fair fight, so no equipment aside from the Omnitrix. Vilgax dies however have his enhancements, as we rarely saw him without them. No time limits apply.
Location: Indoor arena made of stone, no objects around to use to one's advantage. No getting in or out.
Let's go. (And reminder that Ben's aliens do get stronger as he gets older, so certain aliens who lost in og series may win here)
Orginal series Aliens:
Grey Matter - No chance. At best there will be a game of cat and mouse, and maybe GM could do some smart nerve stuff to slow Vilgax down but ultimately he is getting crushed without any way to build or rewire stuff or escape. Vilgax wins.
Wildmutt - Nope. a beating so bad, PETA will fall in love, while actual animal lovers die of horror. The only possible exception is if he managed to catch vilgax off guard fast enough to bite into his throat though im not sure that would even work. Vilgax wins.
Upgrade - Something of a more even fight. Due to upgrades flexible body and somewhat enhanced strength this fight will drag out a little with Upgrade getting some good shots in, by morphing weapons out of his body. However despite that i believe he wasn't invulnerable, so if vilgax ripped him apart then he would be defeated. I think this could end in a draw, but without anything to upgrade, it is more likely to end in Vilgax's favour.
Ripjaws - Even were they underwater i'd expect Vilgax to annihilate rip jaws. On land this is just going to be a murder. Vilgax wins.
Ditto - I honestly don't know if this would end worse than Ripjaws. It would go from a murder to a massacre. Vilgax wins.
Eye Guy* - If he is able to mantain his distance, then I do in fact believe Eye Guy could defeat Vilgax. Unfortunately all it would really take for Vilgax to win is to punch him in the eye once then not let up an assault as i don't believe Eye Guy had strength to even match half of Vilgax.
Way Big - Ok lets be nice to ben a moment and give him a win. Way Big could probably outright eat Vilgax and not even notice. Way Big wins.
Blitzwolfer* - While he could likely scream Vilgax into a stunned state, it would take everything blitzwolfer has, beating on the stunned Vilgax and making well timed strategic retreats before he can recover. If he's too slow to retreat though, Vilgax will likely rip him to shreds. So this was is more in Vilgax's favour but certainly possible for Blitzwolfer to win.
Buzzshock - Without any conducive materials and with Vilgax primarily using his fists in this fight, it is going to more or less be the same situation as grey matter but perhaps faster as Buzzshock will likely run out of energy. With no slicing apart, there is no cloning for more damage. Vilgax wins.
Stinkfly - This one was tricky to me, due to us knowing stinkfly is capable of flying while carrying Vilgax's body weight. However, i believe that, with ben's age making his aliens stronger the adhesive goop stinkfly creates will be much harder for Vilgax to escape from. Certainly he can manage but it will take him a moment or two, giving stinkfly opportunities to strike with his tail. If he keeps Vilgax away while doing this throughout the fight he can win, but if Vilgax gets close enough to tear off Stinkfly's wings, and uses the potential disorientation to make ben worse at aiming he could beat down Stinkfly. Either way this would be a long and surprisingly matched fight compared to what i expected. Possibly draw, with a slight advantage on Stinkfly's side.
Upchuck* - So initially I was ready to laugh this one off, then a thought struck me, i don't know how "strong" his ability to eat is. When i say that, i mean the sucking things in or biting them, just how strong those tongue things are. If they were strong enough to get off parts of Vilgax's prothestics then it could actually end up being a win for Upchuck by way of at least completely disabling Vilgax. I don't know if he can do that though so until i do, i'm giving it to Vilgax as aside from that possibility Vilgax stomps upchuck, even if he is surprisingly durable. Vilgax wins.
Snare-oh* - Unless Vilgax had scussors on him because he was going to an arts and crafts fair, which i doubt, i'd actually have to give this to Snare-oh due to two moments. The recovery from being shredded in the fan and holding back fourmungosaur at around the same age we have him here. It would be a long, long, long fight as Snare-oh's strength couldn't compare to Vilgax but without time limits, he could play it like an endurance match. Of course Vilgax could win by trapping the bandages under foot, so that could be a problem. Still, with the skill and practice ben should have, i say Snare-oh will take this one just barely. Snare-oh wins.
Frakenstrike* - Unfortunately i really don't have much to work with here, as i did the others but from what i do know, i'd say this would be a long and violent battle that would hinge upon how much electricity Frakenstrike could generate for one ultimate attack. As i could find nothing suggesting an immunity to electricity from Vilgax nor a good feat to see the upper limits of Frakenstrike's strength, this is the only way i can think of that would result in a definite victory. Otherwise i'm forced to call it a draw for now.
Heatblast - Now finally we're onto the aliens from the orginal series we all actually care about in this scenario. For heatblast, i find myself a little stuck as we know that Vilgax was seemingly immune to heatblasts most powerful heatwave, and gwen called a 4 years old HB's temper tantrum super nova hot. For the sake of argument, and the fact that i'm pretty sure earth would of suffered far worse if gwen was right, i'mma say ben didn't reach supernova hot but he COULD given time and some practice. Assuming that to be true, i'd imagine even Vilgax would struggle against the intensity of those attacks. In that scenario, heatblast could win. If however you don't want to acknowledge that, then Vilgax wins.
Wildvine - I'd imagine this would be a similar scenario to Snare-oh except faster due to the seeds he could produce giving him more advantages, as well as his vines being more versatile and potentially lethal. Wildvine wins.
Ghostfreak - As long as he can dodge Vilgax's eye lasers, which i believe are a natural ability capable of canceling out intangibilty, Ghostfreak wins without any real doubt. Ghostfreak wins.
Cannonbolt - Enclosed room, so yes this is pretty ideal for Cannonbolt. It's essentially the same scenario as when Ben fought Kevin on the arena ship during their escape, except we do know Vilgax is strong enough to punch Cannonbolt to a stop if he times his attack right. Honestly this would be a bit of a gruelling match but as long as ben can remain concious to keep going at it, Cannonbolt would win eventually. Cannonbolt wins.
XLR8 - The best alien of the entire series, don't @ me. So, to check this properly i did some quick maths. Assuming OG series at ten years old he was capable of moving 500MPH, and ben 10,000 at 30 was able to travel globally in let's say for sake of argument 4 hours, we then know at age 30 XLR8 could move at 1979.375MPH. Of course, this likely isn't exact but works for our purposes, using multiplication we can find out XLR8's speed increased by four times in those 20 years. Half of it is 1000 and we realise it increases by 50 to 75 every year, assuming i haven't messed up somewhere. Taking the lowest number, at age 16 XLR8 should have a top speed of 1500MPH more or less. While yes Vilgax was able to react to og series XLR8, he caught XLR8 off guard and it was when he was much slower, in this case i have to give it to XLR8. XLR8 wins.
Diamondhead - Diamondhead wins, with little to no room for doubt. While a younger Diamondhead may have shattered their body attacking Vilgax, age likely will have improved the structural integrity of the crystals and as a result allowed for a proper one on one brawl that Diamondhead could assuredly win through combat ability, though possibly it would also end up in a potential draw or loss until the rest of Diamondheads powers come in. With his ability to create crystals to entrap Vilgax over and over, projectiles he could aim at the head and the ability to turn his hands into crystaline maces of destruction Vilgax is the loser here. Diamondhead wins.
Four Arms - This one is the most likely to flip back in forth in my mind, however i more settle upon Four Arms winning when ben's more experienced. Not only is older ben stronger but i believe the real issue ben had with the orginal four arms is he was so focused on the pure strength of FA he failed to rely on his actual combat abilities. By that i mean, to compare to Humungousaur from AF, who was pure strength through and through, Four Arms actually possessed great agility and an actual fighters build. Of course, as we are talking older ben, who should realize this AND is even stronger, this may be the most WWE of the fights that will ultimately go to Four Arms. Four Arms wins.
Skipping over Spitter and Articguana as their only ben 10,000 in og
Alien Force Aliens:
Alien X - Lets just get the obvious out the way. If they agree, Vilgax is going to burst into jam everywhere. Otherwise if they get stuck arguing, Vilgax wins by default.
Nanomech - Apologies, no idea what came over me there. Anyways, Nanomech does have a dodging advantage of being so tiny he could easily hide away from Vilgax and so long as he's fast enough to avoid being swatted, fly inside Vilgax and start messing with his heart. Nanomech wins.
Lodestar* - This one is entirely dependent on whether or not Vilgax manages to knock Lodestars head off. If he does the body coukd be defeated easily, though i have no idea of the regeneration ability will work like this. If it does, or Vilgax doesn't manage to knock of his head, this will be one of those long endurance matches that ultimately end up in Ben's favour.
Brainstorm* - This is another one dependant upon a specific action but this time it's ben who'd need to use the mnemokinesis he once displayed to erase Vilgax's memories specfically of how to fight then fry him alive with so many electric blasts. If he doesn't, Vilgax basically just has to stomp him down and have crab meat for dinner.
Chromastone - With a lack of energy sources, and Vilgax's "battle" against sugilite as a reference, while it may be relatively even at the start with Ben having some blasts ready as soon as he rund out he'll be beaten down hard. It will probably last a long time but eventually end with his shattering. Vilgax wins.
Echo Echo - If Ditto wasn't terrible this is the result. Vilgax could stomp many of them but as more and more keep coming he's essentially facing a never ending army, who are capable of shattering steel with their ultrasonic screams. Pushed to the limit they might legit make Vilgax's head explode. Echo Echo wins.
Jetray - I think this would be a long and frustrating fight on both sides, with Jetray moving to fast to catch and his eyebeams being fairly ineffective against Vilgax. It would either end in a draw or Vilgax eventually grabbing him and whaling on him. So tie with slight advantage to Vilgax.
Goop - Endurance match that Goop was never going to lose. It's honestly unfair in a lot of ways. If want to end it even faster, goop could slime his way inside Vilgax and....yeah....Goop wins.
Spider-monkey - The only way to win eith Spider-monkey is a battle of wits and skillful movement, amazing dodges and carefully executed and well timed strikes. I don't think it's impossible for Spider-Monkey to put up a good fight, even win if the stars align but i think it's very very unlikely for him to pull ut off as well as he'd need to. So i'm giving this one to Vilgax for now. Vilgax wins.
Swampfire - For the most part this is the same as wildvine except he can physically brawl with Vilgax. His fire will likely do nothing though so debatably he's worse off. He could still win though. Swampfire wins.
Big Chill - One of the faster fights, so long as he doesn't allow his intangibilty to be counteracted he could freeze vilgax, which he'd likely escape but he could freeze him from the inside, including the heart and outright shattering it. Or eat it, i suppose. Big Chill wins.
Humongousaur - Remember what i said Before about Four Arms being more about combat ability and Humongousaur being about being strong? Yeah well in this fight Humungousaur stomps as hard, if not harder than Way Big. For one he could just grew to full size, which is about a third or halfway to way big size in of itself and even increases strength to fight or stay normal size where i believe he was still strong enough to lift a To'kustar. What im saying is, secret of chromastone really flaked us with that one fight. Humungousaur wins.
Ultimate alien aliens:
Any of the ultimates, sans Wildmutt - Yes, easily. Kind of the whole point really. Ultimates win.
Ultimate wildmutt - maybe lasts longer than regular wildmutt but still gets a major beatdown in the end. Vilgax wins.
Water Hazard - Water Hazard wins but only after a long, long fight. As both are are near invulnerable, and Waterhazard should be safe from energy and heat in this scenario, it comes down to going at it until Vilgax is beaten down. Water Hazard wins, barely.
Terraspin - As long as Ben retreats into his shell at the right times, this should be a somewhat similar scenario to diamond head except purely brawling and thus taking much longer. Terraspin wins.
Jury Rigg - I give him ten seconds before he becomes paste. Vilgax wins.
Eatle* - I don't imagine he'd do very well, except under the same conditions i specified for Upchuck above. However i have never actually seen an episode with Eatle so i really am not qualified with this one. Based off what i do know, im going to say Vilgax wins for now.
Chamalien - While he might do better than wildmutt, with Vilgax's hearing and knowing to look out for him his camouflage is worthless and his enhanced strength means nothing without the durability to last against Vilgax. Vilgax wins.
AmpFibian - This ultimately ends up the same as Big Chill except with electrocuting the heart instead of freezing it. AmpFibian wins.
Fasttrack - He will ultimately be torn apart, like he deserves as worst alien. He will however hold his own for a while i will admit. Vilgax wins.
NRG - Another one i almost feel bad for Vilgax ending up against. Even with his durability taking punches from the material of that suit is going to hurt like hell and we know thats only to contain NRG's full power. Vilgax may be incredibly resistant to heat but i doubt even he can withstand direct continuous contact with what is essentially a living star. NRG just has to grab hold of Vilgax's head with his uncontained hands and it'll be over in moments.
Shocksquatch* - I have no idea what this one's really capable of but from what I am aware of, i doubt he can generate enough electricity to ultimately stop Vilgax reaching him and when Vilgax does its over. Vilgax wins.
Armodrillo* - If Ben can knock Vilgax over and place his drill hands over his head i might see him winning, otherwise it's finally an endurance match in Vilgax's favour.
Clockwork* - Age Vilgax's body and armor to near death/destruction and just punch him full force with your heavy metal fist. Or erase him from time. Clockwork wins.
Vilgax wins: Grey Matter, Wildmutt, Upgrade, Ripjaws, Ditto, Eye Guy, Blitzwolfer, Buzzshock, Upchuck, Heatblast, Alien X, Rath, Chromastone, Jetray, Spider-monkey, Ultimate Wildmutt, Jurry Rigg, Eatle, Chamalien, Fasttrack, Shocksquatch, Armodrillo.
Tie: Frakenstrike, Alien X, Lodestar, Brainstorm,
Ben wins: Way Big, Stinkfly, Heatblast, Snare-oh, Wildvine, Ghostfreak, Cannonbolt, XLR8, Diamondhead, Four arms, Alien X, Nanomech, Echo Echo, Goop, Swampfire, Big Chill, Humungousaur, Ultimate Transformations, Water Hazard, Terraspin, AmpFibian, NRG, Clockwork.
submitted by ThirstyThotTina to Ben10 [link] [comments]

My thoughts on the movie

Spoilers ahead. You have been warned.

So I said I wasn't going to watch the movie. Recently however, I realized that while the series may continue in some form or another, the movie is supposed to cap off the main series as one last hurrah. So, I watched it. And I didn't like it.
Those who have no faith in diamonddaze will claim I'm simply trolling, or just being contrarian, or disliking everything about the series forever now. None of which are true. I can explain why I didn't like it (as I always do). You may not agree with my points but my points are valid.
1: Spinel's design. Others have mentioned it before, but she looks like a ripoff of the teenage robot girl. Nothing much to say on this one, it's just lazy and looks dumb (I do like her as a character though).
2: The singing. Yeah the show has always had singing but it wasn't...that much. Cut the singing and the movie's like, 10 minutes long. Most of it was nice, but some of it did fall short (I didn't like Garnet's songs for instance) and it grew thin quickly. I'm here for the story, not the music.
3: Greg fusing with Steven. That's fucking disgusting. To those of you who still deny the fact that fusion is sexual, look at the Sugilite fusion dance. Or the Rainbow Quartz fusion dance.
4: This point isn't a fault of the movie per se, but it's a reason I didn't like it: all of the leaks except for Spinel's death were true. I am disappointed that NONE of these monsters are properly punished for their genocidal tendencies. It's teaching a bad message and it's some of the dumbest fence-sitting morality I've encountered. This has always been a problem with Steven Universe, but I always knew they wouldn't kill the diamonds. I wanted them to die, but I knew it wasn't happenin'. But with Spinel, there was a glimmer of hope. As each so-called leak came true, and as they were willing to say "kill" and show decent amounts of human blood, I was thinking to myself "shit, this is really happening." But then it didn't.
5: It only served to make Pink an even worse person for what she did to Spinel. Pink is such a colossal asshat who got away scot-free by dropping all of her problems, mistakes and responsibilities on her son to deal with. Pink is the most irresponsible, selfish, manipulative bitch in the show. It doesn't compare with the interplanetary genocide of the other diamonds, but Pink is still atrocious. Holy fuck why was Pearl okay with any of this? There were things even Pearl didn't know about, and she was programmed to love Rose, but still...she has free will. I think there needed to be a scene where this whole thing involving Spinel's abandonment was the last straw for Pearl and she finally admits Rose was a bad guy all along, FINALLY moving on, FINALLY becoming her own person fully, living outside of Rose's tall, dark shadow. Would've been a good time for her to call Mystery Girl on the phone (use Steven's phone if she doesn't have one, don't remember if she does).
6: This one's entirely subjective but I didn't like Bismuth's outfit. None of 'em look as good as her original one.
I'd like to end this post on a positive note: there were things I liked, don't get me wrong, such as the actual premise of the movie's story, and most of the songs even though I found them too frequent.
submitted by Bacxaber to DiamondDaze [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 64-65

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22 Episodes 23-24 Episodes 25-26 Episodes 27-28 Episodes 29-30 Episodes 31-32 Episodes 33-34 Episodes 35-36 Episodes 37-38 Episodes 39-40 Episodes 41-42 Episodes 43-44 Episodes 45-46 Episodes 47-48 Episodes 49-50 Episodes 51-52 Episodes 53-54 Episodes 55-56 Episodes 57+misc Episodes 58-59 Episodes 60-61 Episodes 62-63
Alright, guys, we’re back with another reaction. Now, I know that a lot of people disagreed with my opinions on Sardonyx, and I feel like there might have been some miscommunication, so I’m going to spell out my current opinion on her and then move on.
Sardonyx is a bully. She used emotional manipulation to hurt Amethyst and make herself seem better. That said, Pearl and Garnet are not bullies. They’re both unaware of how they’re hurting Amethyst. Pearl is blinded by the sheer joy she felt being Sardonyx, and Garnet most likely didn’t realize that the words she directed towards Sugilite were hurting Amethyst instead. Sardonyx is just like any other person in that she can change, so if something happens that I think will change her character, or if we see her again and she’s different, my opinion on her will change.
I’m really surprised at how many people seemed upset by this interpretation. I don’t think I’ve had this negative a backlash on anything I’ve said, well…ever. I’ve responded to literally hundreds of comments about Sardonyx, which seems so strange to me because it was such a small part of my post, and I kind of feel like it took away the sense of friendly discussion in the comments. A lot of it was my fault, though. I think I just got tired of talking about Sardonyx, and started to get irritable, so I’m sorry if I came off strong on the subject. I think I’m about done talking about Sardonyx for now, so I’m sorry to tell you that I won’t be talking about her unless something new comes up.
Now that I’ve got that out of the way, let’s get into the episodes. You guys know the deal; keep spoiler free and keep the hype low.

Episode 64- Keystone Motel

Steven, Greg, and Garnet go on a road trip.
[Editor’s note from the future: These episode descriptions get more and more vague every time. What the hell is this crap?]
Written and Storyboarded by Raven M. Molisee, Paul Villeco and Rebecca Sugar
Maybe you're better off with her
I think she's better for you
I forgot how great it felt to be us
Guess I got carried away
I had to use you to make me feel strong
But I don't care about that now
I see a tower built out of my mistakes
And it all comes crashing down
Is there something I can do
Is there something I can do
Is there something I can do
Can I make it up to you?
How I feel so far with this Stevenbomb.
Oh, he’s talking about when he turned into an Akira cat monster. Gotcha.

Closing Thoughts-

This was a good episode. It was really nice to see Ruby and Sapphire again. It’s nice to see these characters, although I really don’t think we’ll be seeing much of them. I’d say that we’ll get to see them as a treat, but I can’t imagine many scenarios where we’d see Garnet unfused in a happy situation. Still, they’ve both got wonderful energy, and seeing them fight on their second appearance certainly wasn’t expected. Seeing Pearl try to make Garnet appreciate her was pretty sad. Actually, most of this episode was. There was just this growing sense of disappointment in the characters throughout this entire episode that really made me feel terrible. Not that that’s a bad thing, of course. The music was really lovely in this episode, and I enjoyed it a ton. Hopefully, we start to get some closure into this situation in the next few episodes. Onto the next one!

Episode 65- Onion Friend

Steven and Amethyst visit the strange world of Onion's house; Amethyst catches up with her old friend Vidalia.
Written and Storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Katie Mitroff

Closing Thoughts-

This was an interesting little episode. It seemed like we were going to learn more about Onion, but he remains an engima to us. No, we spent this episode exploring an old relationship Amethyst has with Vidalia, which is quite interesting. Of ourse Amethyst would be the one to make friends with a human! Hearing her talk about Garnet and Pearl was quite interesting, though. I really enjoy how much they’re impacting everyone around them. It gives the situation a lot of weight. I’m also glad that we’ve 3 episodes now without a resolution. This is a real issues that’s going to take time to solve, and so letting us experience that alongside the cast is a great choice. There wasn’t much going on in terms of animation or music, but the episode didn’t really need anything special to do its job, and it did it quite well. My current episode standings are-

Top Ten Episodes

  1. Alone Together
  2. Rose’s Scabbard
  3. We Need to Talk
  4. Keeping it Together
  5. Sworn to the Sword
  6. On the Run
  7. Lion 3: Straight to Video
  8. Winter Forecast
  9. Cry For Help
  10. Coach Steven
10. Laser Light Cannon
Next up, my vocal tracks-

Top Five Vocal Tracks-

  1. Do it for her
  2. Stronger Than You
  3. On the Run
  4. Strong in the real way
  5. Let yourself be wherever you are
Finally, my BGM’s-

Top Ten BGM's

  1. I’m Still Here
  2. Theme from an Endless Romance
  3. Glitch City
  4. Be Cool at the Nightclub
  5. Lapis' Tower
  6. Night Drive
  7. Twilight Run
  8. Alone Together
  9. The Cave
  10. The Hill/Rose’s Fountain
I'm planning on going back and listening to all of the BGM's again, since I've been a little lax here, so you'll probably see some changes in this list over the next few posts.
Thanks for reading, guys! As usual, keep spoiler free and keep the hype low. Finally, a question-
Until Next Time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Just finished binging season 2 with my GF, here are some of my thoughts!

ok this show likes to fuckin feed you oatmeal reason cookies and then fuckin punch you in the gullet 20 times over like we had the one episode of connie and steven training and it was really cute then we have fuckin amethyst turning into rose for WHAT REASON???? PLUS E X P L A I N to me what was happening with the whole Sugilite situation like WHAT IS EVEN GOING ON????
my favorite episodes of season 2 are:
Story for Steven
Sworn to the Sword
Sadies Song
(Why do all the episodes in this show start with s)

This show is getting much better, season one was great but it was for sure unclear for the first part of it, when the plot does kick in though, the show really does shine. My favorite ongoing conflict between Lapis and Jasper, it has the right enough of depth. we're gonna watch season 3 like right after I post this so I'm excited!
submitted by Slipping_On_Paper to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

New NA Games (2018/10/30)! Gal Metal, Jeopardy!, LEGO Harry Potter Collection, Mutant Football League, OK K.O.!, RISK Global Domination, Save me Mr Tako, Sports Party, Steven Universe: Save the Light, Trivial Pursuit Live!, Wheel of Fortune, and Yomawari: The Long Night Collection release today!

The previous release(s): SkyScrappers
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One night while on his way home from school, a high school boy is abducted by the Octoids, an extraterrestrial species bent on revenge. The boy's soul is transplanted into a high school girl's body in a sinister experiment. Now sharing a body, the duo must work together with her high school band, K.M.G. (Kichijoji Metal Girls) to defeat the aliens with their greatest weakness: metal!
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Memorize various rhythm patterns by practicing solo or with your band and deploy them however you like to build up your Metal Power in concert battles against the Octoids.
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The LEGO® Harry Potter™ Collection brings LEGO® Harry Potter™: Years 1-4 and LEGO® Harry Potter™: Years 5-7 remastered! This compilation unites the creative prowess of LEGO and the expansive world of Harry Potter, with an exciting journey full of spell-casting, potion-making, puzzle-solving, lessons, dueling and much more for players of all ages to enjoy.
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Dynasty Edition includes Dynasty Mode, a single player experience where you become the coach and GM of your favorite Mutant Football League team and take a group of unproven rookies and turn them into monstrous all-stars by winning multiple Mayhem Bowls over several seasons to become the league’s next Dynasty. It includes multiple season gameplay, player trades, cumulative player experience (XP), salary management, custom playbooks and free agent signings. The Dynasty Edition also introduces two brand new species, four new teams, several new Dirty Tricks and of course, more fantastical arenas full of ruthless fans and deadly traps.
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Based on the hit Cartoon Network show, this game stars pint-sized hero K.O. as he punches, slide-kicks, combos and power-moves his way through hordes of evil Boxmore robots on an epic quest to save Lakewood Plaza Turbo from the maniacal Lord Boxman. In this story-driven adventure game meets action-packed cartoon brawler, level up your stats to unlock powerful new fight moves, collect the cards of all your favorite Plaza characters and then call them into battle to unleash off-the-wall attacks across tons of crazy quests.
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Lead your troops to victory in this modern version of the classic RISK® game, with enhanced 3D visuals, custom rules, and tactical gameplay. Play at home or on the go with up to four players, or play solo against opponents online from around the world.
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Thanks to the Nintendo Switch™ system, you can now enjoy RISK® anytime, anywhere! Play at home on your TV screen or on the go with the tabletop and handheld modes.
Save me Mr Tako: Tasukete Tako-San / $9.99 sale ($14.99 normally) · Adventure, Action, Platformer · 1 player
A Blast From the Portable-Gaming Past!
In a world where humans and octopi are at war, Mr Tako is a persistently helpful little octopus who rescues a woman from drowning one stormy night. A fairy sees this act of bravery and grants him the ability to survive on land, where he can turn enemies into platforms by spitting ink at them. As he travels across the surface world, Mr Tako defies his family and his people to try to resolve conflicts between humans and octopi.
Mr Tako will solve puzzles, explore mysterious dungeons and fight tenacious bosses on his mission to end the war between the undersea octopus kingdom and the terrestrial human world. Will you help this brave octopus to spread his message of tolerance and teach both species to coexist in peace and unity?
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Have fun wherever you go! Whether battling with four players using Nintendo Switch™ motion controls, taking on a friend, or just playing on your own.
Steven Universe: Save the Light / $24.99 · Role-Playing, Adventure, Action, Platformer · 1 player
Join the Crystal Gems on the ultimate quest! A mysterious new Gem has stolen a powerful weapon. Only Steven and his friends have what it takes to stop her. “Save the Light” is a unique RPG hybrid that combines real-time and turn-based combat.
7 PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: Completely customize your party. Fight an army of light as Steven, Garnet, Pearl, Amethyst, Connie, Greg, and Peridot! Bust out unique abilities to solve puzzles and battle the bad guys.
A NEW GEM: Face off against an all-new Homeworld Gem created by Rebecca Sugar. Who is this powerful warrior and what’s she doing back on Earth?
FUSIONS: Team up for incredible combo moves and Gem Fusions! Fuse to play as Stevonnie, Smoky Quartz, Opal, Sardonyx, and Sugilite!
BEACH CITY AND BEYOND: Explore and interact with expansive 3D environments. Travel to ancient Gem locations all over the world, including Strawberry Battlefield, The Great North, and Bismuth's Forge.
ORIGINAL VO: “Save the Light” features an original story co-written by Rebecca Sugar, and voices from the Steven Universe cast and special guest star Christine Baranski.
TRIVIAL PURSUIT Live! / $19.99 · Party, Board Game, Education, Multiplayer · Up to 4 players
Experience the thrill of competing on a TV trivia game show at home or on the go. Featuring different question formats to challenge players from beginner to expert. You can even take on players from around the world in online play. For up to four players.
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Wheel of Fortune / $19.99 · Puzzle, Party, Board Game · Up to 3 players
Play as a contestant on Wheel of Fortune®, America's favorite TV show, anytime, anywhere! Spin the wheel and put your brain to the test against thousands of unique puzzles. Play solo or challenge players online. Enjoy an authentic TV-show experience with Wheel of Fortune®. Spin the wheel, win special wedges, and experience true-to-the-TV-show rules. Win iconic in-game prizes such as luxurious trips, cars, and up to one million dollars.
Enjoy Classic mode for the original experience, or Quick mode to solve only one puzzle when time is short. Unlock items and personalize your game by upgrading your contestant avatar and the studio set.
Yomawari: The Long Night Collection / $39.99 · Adventure, Action, Puzzle, Other · 1 player
Traverse the haunting world of Yomawari: Night Alone as a young girl searches for her sister, or share in the terror facing schoolgirls Yui and Haru in Yomawari: Midnight Shadows. Uncover the mysteries plaguing a rural Japanese town, hide from the things lurking in the night, and maybe get home alive...
Did you buy anything? How did it run? What are your first impressions? Does it seem worth it?
submitted by juicyjames to NintendoSwitch [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 62-63

Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22 Episodes 23-24 Episodes 25-26 Episodes 27-28 Episodes 29-30 Episodes 31-32 Episodes 33-34 Episodes 35-36 Episodes 37-38 Episodes 39-40 Episodes 41-42 Episodes 43-44 Episodes 45-46 Episodes 47-48 Episodes 49-50 Episodes 51-52 Episodes 53-54 Episodes 55-56 Episodes 57+misc Episodes 58-59 Episodes 60-61
Time for another reaction! Yinz know the rules, keep spoiler free and keep the hype low, and let’s get into the episodes!

Episode 62- Chille Tid

Steven and the Crystal Gems try to relax with a slumber party.
Written and Storyboarded by Lamar Abrams and Lauren Zuke

Closing Thoughts-

This was a really great episode. First off, learning Malachite’s name was really cool, and the way we learned it was even better. Everything in that scene was pretty amazing. The animation was especially fantastic there, I think. The way Lapis and Jasper looked absolutely exhausted and defeated was really great, and their expressive emotions were really well animated. Most of the early stuff was really fun, especially anything with Pearl, and so hitting the dark stuff with Lapis was really unexpected and carried a lot of weight. I thought this would be a lighter episode, but it turns out that there’s no such thing in Steven Universe! I’m looking forward to seeing where this goes, so let’s get into the next episode.

Episode 63- Cry For Help

Steven's favorite TV show gets interrupted by a magical disturbance.
Written and Storyboarded by Joe Johnston and Jeff Liu
Alexia Khamide, huh? She really nailed it here. Good Jorb, Alexia!
Oh, I see. Sardonx, consciously or unconsciously, left the place unbroken so that she could be in the limelight again.

Closing Thoughts-

This was a powerful episode. We met Sardonyx, who’s a manipulative, attention-seeking bully, and we learned that Pearl’s willing to lie to people to feel better. We also learned that Amethyst blames herself for Sugilite’s behavior exclusively, and we got some really tense drama between all of the characters. This is probably the worst we’ve seen the gems be to one another and themselves. This episode was really interesting to watch because it does a complete 180 on where it seems to be going about two thirds of the way through the episode. There’s so much to talk about with this episode, but I want to hold onto it for awhile until I have a better sense of what’s going to happen. Still, this was a great episode, and I really enjoyed it. On to my episode list-

Top Ten Episodes

  1. Alone Together
  2. Rose’s Scabbard.
  3. We Need to Talk
  4. Keeping it Together
  5. Sworn to the Sword
  6. On the Run
  7. Lion 3: Straight to Video
  8. Winter Forecast
  9. Cry For Help
  10. Coach Steven
10. Laser Light Cannon
I rearranged a couple episodes after rewatching some of the older stuff, so this might not be exactly the same as it was before.
Next up, my vocal tracks-

Top Five Vocal Tracks-

  1. Do it for her
  2. Stronger Than You
  3. On the Run
  4. Strong in the real way
  5. Let yourself be wherever you are
After the next song, I plan on extending vocal tracks to top ten so look out for that. Finally, my BGM’s-

Top Ten BGM's

  1. I’m Still Here
  2. Theme from an Endless Romance
  3. Glitch City
  4. Lapis' Tower
  5. Night Drive
  6. Twilight Run
  7. Alone Together
  8. The Cave
  9. The Hill/Rose’s Fountain
  10. Love like you(The Ocean Returns)
Thanks so much for reading, guys! As usual, keep your comments spoiler free and keep the hype low. Finally, a question-
Until next time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

Blind Reaction to Steven Universe Episodes 35-36

This post discusses topics that some people may find extremely personal. Please, be polite and considerate in the comments section.
Episodes 1-2 Episodes 3-4 Episodes 5-6 Episodes 7-8 Episodes 9-10 Episodes 11-12 Episodes 13-14 Episodes 15-16 Episodes 17-18 Episodes 19-20 Episodes 21-22 Episodes 23-24 Episodes 25-26 Episodes 27-28 Episodes 29-30 Episodes 31-32 Episodes 33-34
Alright, guys. We’re finally here! The first Big Episode, episode 35! I’m really excited for these episodes! Remember, guys. Keep all discussion absolutely spoiler free! I really want to be as unspoilt as possible with this show. Anyways, let’s dive right in!

Episode 35- Lion 3: Straight to Video

When Lion will not stop lying on Steven's face while he sleeps, Steven awakens to discover himself in a different world.
Written and Storyboarded by Joe Johnston, Jeff Liu, and Rebecca Sugar

Closing thoughts-

What an incredible and powerful episode. I’m kind of quiet right now. This was absolutely stunning. This was a perfect, quiet episode with a lot to say. The part that hit me the hardest was in Lion’s dimension, when we see all of the things that Rose left there. We have her war memorabilia, her sword, and then, right there, is a Mr. Universe t-shirt. That was absolutely devastating. I feel like I just let this episode wash over me when I watched it. The raw emotion of this episode just carried such a heavy weight to it that it felt like I was drowning in it. I don’t know how to describe it except by saying that I loved every second of it. Let’s watch the second episode. Poor second episode, it’s got to be rough to follow this one up.

Episode 36-Alone Together

The Gems try to teach Steven how to successfully use his fusion powers and it leads to a very surprising result.
Written and Storyboarded by Hilary Florido, Katie Mitroff and Rebecca Sugar
Garnet has two gems.
Why had I never even considered this? Garnet has two gems! What if Garnet is a fucking fusion?! She’s way stronger than the other gems, and of course fusion would come easily to her if she was a fusion! Holy shit! I don’t know if this is anywhere close to enough evidence, but it’s totally possible!
OOOOH! That’s why some of you use this for the ship name!

Closing Thoughts-

About 2 hours ago, I remarked that it would be difficult for any episode to follow Lion 3. I was right, because an episode like this takes more passion and love than I think I even have to receive it. As a queer teen, this is one of the most overtly positive reinforcements of sexuality and identity that I have ever seen in my entire life. This episode goes beyond my ability to describe. I won’t even try. Watch it yourself; it does a better job than I could ever do. My new episode list goes as such-
  1. Alone Together
  2. Lion 3: Straight to Video
  3. Ocean Gem
  4. Coach Steven
  5. An Indirect Kiss
  6. Mirror Gem
  7. Laser Light Cannon
  8. Space Race
  9. Giant Woman
  10. So Many Birthdays
As for my music, it stands at-
  1. Strong in the real way
  2. Let yourself be wherever you are
  3. Steven and the Stevens/Crystal Gems
  4. Giant Woman
  5. Let me drive my van into your heart
Finally, my BGM-
  1. Glitch City
  2. Lapis' Tower
  3. Night Drive
  4. The Cave
  5. The Hill/Rose’s Fountain
These two episodes were beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Please, please, please avoid spoilers in the comments, and please be respectful of anything anyone says. Remember, your words can be hurtful, even if you don’t mean them to be. Finally, a question-
Until next time!
submitted by elecathes to stevenuniverse [link] [comments]

what does sugilite do for you video

To do this, you can fashion the crystal into a piece of jewelry or clothing that you wear to bed or keep it on your bedside tabletop. Just make sure it’s in the same room as you to make sure it is most effective. Sugilite Meditation. Sugilite’s helpfulness during meditation is best used when meditating before bed or sleep. To use it Your sugilite companion stone will help you do the right thing. How to Use Sugilite for the Best Results. When you wear sugilite as a pendant or as a ring, you are protecting yourself from negative energies that may be attracted to your positive light. This is usually the case when you’re working on your spiritual growth. The light that your aura emits can attract darker energies. Using Sugilite in Jewelry. You’ll find sugilite jewelry in a range of styles, from boho and hippie to chic and high-end. This makes it a very versatile gemstone, with sugilite jewelry ranging from a few dollars to thousands of dollars. The quality of craftsmanship, materials used and the quality of the stone itself add to the final price of the piece of jewelry. Because of its rich color, even Sugilite is an example of a mineral name pronounced wrongly more often than correctly. Named after Japanese petrologist Dr. Kenichi Sugi, whose name is pronounced with a hard "g" (as in "geese"), whereas most English speakers mispronounce it with a soft "g" (as in "gene"). This wasn't much of an issue when sugilite was just an obscure ugly greenish-yellowish-brown rock-forming mineral from Sugilite invites in the violet flame energy of protection; to help protect you from any sort of spiritual or psychic attack or even energetic cords from getting in or latching onto your EMF; your Electromagnetic Field. Sugilite helps to purify your aura and your EMF (one and the same). ***If you’re interested in learning more about techniques and other specific crystals for cord-cutting So be very wary when the price does not match your expectations and when you do not know the history of a piece. Be particularly cautious if a piece is from Asia, where most sugilite sales (of both real and fake sugilite) take place. Sugilite Value. Cut and clarity are not really factors when evaluating the price of sugilite. The gemstone is rarely going to be all that clear, and it is not How to do sugilite chakra: Place the sugilite gemstone on the crown chakra and heart chakra to get them activated and cleared. For a complete clearing and balancing of all of your chakras, do a crystal chakra cleansing with appropriate individual chakra crystals. After you finish, sit upright with your chakras in line and place a sugilite gemstone on the top of your head. The sugilite crystal So that's what I have to say about the metaphysical aspects of Sugilite. I didn't get that from a book - all my info is obtained through logic and inspiration - indeed the crystal lore out there (in books and online) does not generally resonate with me. So if you're a devotee of some other crystal guides, all this may not make sense to you. How do you clean sugilite? Care and Cleansing of Sugilite To cleanse Sugilite, once a day rinse it in alternating hot and cold running water for half a minute or so. Pour a few drops of mild liquid soap onto your fingers, and let the soap run down the gemstones to remove any body oils or dirt. What is the meaning of sugilite? Sugilite encourages forgiveness, of oneself and others, and instills Wearing Sugilite jewelry is an excellent way to keep this stone on your body, but if you are unable to do this, get either a rough piece of this stone or a tumbled stone instead. This violet crystal has the ability to aid you to improve your health, and is highly protective. Overall it is one stone that is a must-have within your collection.

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