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$BB DD thread: Why this retard believes the fair market value for $BB is $45. Obligatory 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

I'm not a financial advisor, just a retard YOLO'ing my savings into long calls, so make your own decisions.
TLDR: Blackberry is the market leader in an industry that McKinsey projects will fucking 🚀🚀🚀 to $750BN by 2030. BlackBerry has already grown their annual revenue for 2020 by 15.04% from 2019, so stap in your tendies because BB are going to the fucking moon.
Other relevant DD:
1) BB has nothing to do with smartphones. Throw those 2007 notions out of your mind and bring yourself to the future
2) Whilst the whole stock market has been pissing themselves for years over EV/AV industry speculation, the reality is that these are hardware companies with low margin, and limited scale potential.
Even Tesla, owned and run by the richest man in the world, has yet to build more than 500,000 cars in one year. Meanwhile Tesla competitors springing up everywhere with both new challengers such as NIO and old money fucks getting into EV such as VW and GM (GM in December 2020 announced 100% by 2030 all cars would be 100% EV).
THE REAL FUCKING MONEY is not in EV production which has low margin and low scale, but in data monetization which is high margin (and being software) has unlimited scale. In the same way that Google makes only $18Bn revenue from hardware sales (phone, nest sales etc) but makes $120Bn from data monetization, $BB is going to to the fucking moon with $200BN revenue + by 2030 with 10% net whilst Tesla and other big auto are fighting over 4% margins (Tesla net profit in 2020 = 4% whilst BB sat at a juicy 10.15%).
This industry is going to the fucking moon, and BB is the only one with a front row ticket 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀. This shit is like investing in Google or Amazon in the year 2000, by the time the mainstream saw the potential 5 years later, shit was already at pluto
u/just an everyday life couldn't have put it better: "Zombie cars and QNX
QNX is the first commercial microkernel RTOS. What the fuck does that even mean nerd? For anyone like me who's not a software genius, I've done some research so we all know what we're getting into. A Real Time Operating System is developed to focus processing power on two most important things: Speed and Accuracy. This is different from shit like Windows and Mac OS (General Purpose OS or GPOS) as they spread processing power throughout the system because there isn't exactly anything that's significantly more important than the others. However, when you're using a self-driving program you need the hardware to perform the action at the exact time and speed. Your self driving program brakes too late? Crash into the car ahead of you. Your self program turns the wheel too late or too soon? Crash into a wall.
Blackberry has been working on this technology since 2014. But car makers literally couldn't develop autonomous vehicles fast enough. So these guys have just been twiddling their fucking thumbs.
Fast forward to now, where the rise of Tesla has made everyone and their momma make a self driving EV. Everyone is trying to make their own autopilot program but not their own OS. So who's OS are they using?
SONY? Blackberry QNX. Baidu? QNX baby. XPENG? Blackberry as well. If you read the article, you'll see XPEV is using DESAY's autopilot program that's built on QNX. Know who else is using DESAY autopilot? Li Auto But what about Nio you might ask? Well on NIO day, it was announced that NIO will be using Nvidia DRIVE....which is also built on QNX. What about the Apple car? There's no confirmation yet, but rumors of them reaching out to both Canoo and Hyundai makes me skeptical that Apple has succeeded in creating their own RTOS even after rumors of them starting 7 years ago. But even if they did... it doesn't even matter.
You might have noticed that I didn't mention Tesla at all. That's because they have developed their own Linux-based Operating system, which Tesla has been having trouble getting it approved by US safety regulations. QNX on the other hand, already is. $BB to the fucking moon🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀"
3) BB is a cash flow positive, growing company with near nil competitors in an industry that is skyrocketing. Despite this, the boomer fucks who still believe BB is a smartphone company, have in their own glorious act of autism, have massively shorted BB bringing the share price down.
BB is a growth company in a growth industry, these hedge funds are going to need to borrow more money if they want to buy tendies after the wider market realizes the market inefficiency that is an undervalued BB. u/Tradergurue went into a lot of detail in his $BB short interest post here
TLDR: hedge funds caught with their dicks in their hands are about to get Royally Fucked as the market corrects itself with a BB rise over the next month
submitted by TheGeffez to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Guidance for new options traders

DISCLAIMER: I'm not a respected member of this community at all, so take my words with a grain of salt. I am an options trader, and a successful one, but you can't believe me just because I said so, and I'm definitely not going to post my trading statements in any public forum to prove it. Furthermore, while I've lurked this sub on and off for years, I haven't been a sub until today. So even more reason to discount everything I say. Nothing here should be construed as investment advice. Consider this post as entertainment only.
TL;DR: Options aren't stock. They're adjacent to stock. Don't trade options like you trade stock. It will cost you money.
IME, new options traders treat options trading like stock trading. If they believe a stock will go up, then the new traders buys calls, usually OTM or maybe ATM. If they believe the stock will go down, the new traders buy puts, usually OTM or maybe ATM. It's not that this is inherently "wrong," but it's trading options like you're trading stocks. They're apples and oranges. You wouldn't look for houses to develop and flip in the same way you look for race horses to develop and flip. Once again, those are apples and oranges.
New options traders generally don't appreciate how much more correct they need to be when applying these strategies. If you buy stock, you only need to be right about direction. Timing and magnitude only really matter w/t your end-of-year P/L. If you buy a call or a put, you need to be right about direction, magnitude, and timing. Most people who simply go long calls or puts are losers in the long run, at least with their options trading. I used to be that trader 15 years ago. I understand the thought process. But, IMHO, it's incorrect. It's a losing setup. One caveat is if you have insider information. It's illegal in the US to trade on insider information, but an overwhelming amount of evidence shows it happens frequently. I'm not going to comment on the merits/demerits of insider trading. But if you have insider info and you're willing to trade it, most of this post is null and void.
Options trading isn't stock trading. It's adjacent to stock trading, but honestly only barely adjacent. If you're long a stock, increasing volatility doesn't change the fair price of the stock. If you're long a call or put, increasing volatility dramatically changes the pricing of the option contract. More than anything else, most options trader are trading volatility changes.
If you're right on the direction of the stock move, but wrong on the timing, you're not markedly affected by the incorrect timing if you're simply long/short a stock. If you bought a call/put, being wrong on timing is devastating. In the most extreme situations, you can be wrong by one day and it can be the difference between losing all the money you used to purchase the contracts and winning ridiculous sums of money. Second only to volatility, most options traders are trading time.
Even still, you can be correct on direction, correct on timing, but incorrect on the magnitude of the move. When you own stock, that simply means you earned less than you expected. When you're long calls/puts, that can (and often does) mean you lost all of the money you put in.
So options sellers trade two things more than anything else: volatility and time. Stock traders don't trade either of those two things. So don't treat options trading like stock trading (strategies at the end about how to treat options trading like stock trading if you want to otherwise ignore this advice).
Generally, the buyers of options contracts are net losers. That doesn't mean you can't be a buyer of contracts and be a winner. You can. I know a couple folks who do that successfully and have for years. But it's a harder road than just being a good stock trader. You need to be great at picking stocks AND good at trading options.
Generally, the sellers of options contracts are net winners. Similar to buying calls/puts, I know of several exceptions to this rule of thumb. IME, losing options sellers do not do a few things correctly. First and foremost, they risk too much (can be said for unsuccessful option buyers as well). They don't understand Kelly Criterion, or don't understand how much inaccurate assumptions can affect Kelly. Successful traders I know only use 1/2 Kelly or less due to this lack of firm percentages. People often also misunderstand what "risk" is in Kelly. Using stock as an example, if you buy XYZ at $100/share for 1 share, you've spent $100. But you haven't actually risked $100. The full amount of the $100 isn't at risk unless XYZ drops to $0 overnight. If you place a stop at $90, you really only have $10 at risk in most situations. So if in a given trade, 1/2 Kelly says you should risk 2%, you have 1 share at $100 with a stop at $90, and your trading account is worth $500, you are risking exactly the 2% that 1/2 Kelly says you should. However, if you only had $250 in your trading account, you're risking 4%. That's double what you should risk. You're going to blow up your account if you do that. If numbers like 4% seem low, you really need to read up on Kelly and the math behind it. Or read "Market Wizards" and "New Market Wizards." It's been a couple of decades for me, but in both of them, I remember nearly all of the traders talking about risking more than 2% per trade is being a fucking gunslingin' cowboy. These are all top traders of their era who would've likely been more comfortable with risk than their contemporaries. And yet, they almost unanimously agree on what feels like (to most) extremely small levels of risk. We know more know based on Kelly, but also know that overestimating probabilities when calculating Kelly can quickly change good sizing into poor sizing. Which is why 1/2 Kelly is usually the max for most successful traders. Second, losing sellers of options contracts misunderstand or underestimate how changes in volatility affect their position. In doing so, they often sell too many contracts during low volatility. The inevitable increase in volatility wipes them out. This ties in with risking too much (specifically, risking too much in environments that aren't necessarily favorable to selling).
Finally, whether long or short, winning options traders know how to manage their positions once the positions are on. How do you know how to do this? Practice. But "practice" doesn't mean you need to trade and lose a bunch to figure it out (though that does tend to cement things into place rather quickly). Bring up ToS (or whatever broker you use), and put on a simulated trade. What happens if it moves against you? For you? For you, then back against you? Against you, then back for you? What happens when IV goes up a little? Goes up significantly? Goes against you? Etc. For EVERY one of these situations, you should always go through all the options to change the trade. For every one of these positions, you should understand why. If I'm short an IC and the stock is testing one of my legs, should I roll up the untested leg? Why? What additional risks does that bring? What benefits? When should I get out of a trade? What should I do with my IC if the stock just keeps running relentlessly? What about when it moves 10%, then stays?
Do that for every position you consider. Do it 100 times. Do it 1000 times. If you don't know how to manage and defend a position, you probably shouldn't be trading that position yet. Maybe find a way to use the positions you do know how to manage, then also increase your knowledge in how to defend the position you rather would've taken. Read traders' blogs. Watch Tasty's vids. Get any knowledge you can, then don't accept it at face value. You still need to work through all of those examples. Why is this blog saying "do X?" Why does Tasty say "do Y?" What risks does this strategy mitigate? What risks does it reopen? You NEED to know those answers. You NEED to know how you can best react, within your risk level, to all of these situations. Figuring it out on the fly doesn't work in the market. You will lose money if that's your outlook.
Now, if you're new, you aren't yet thinking like an options trader, and you want to trade options, there are still a few good ways to do it. If you think a stock/index is going to go up, buying deep ITM calls with a delta of at least 90 is a good start. You get to participate in (nearly) all of the moves of the underlying, but get to do so at less capital expense. DITM options have very little of their value in extrinsic value. If you don't know the difference between intrinsic value and extrinsic value, now is the perfect time for your first google search in your quest for more options knowledge. DO NOT control more underlying than you would if you were trading straight stock. "If I'm not going to get any leverage advantage, why would I even pay the premium instead of just buying the underlying," you ask? Well, for very little premium and a far lower capital outlay, you get to control the same amount of underlying. Now, you can take that extra capital you didn't need to put in, and buy some low-risk, interest-bearing instruments. If you normally are simply long S&P500 index funds, for example, now you can be long DITM calls on that same fund, but take the other 50% of your capital (estimating) and gain another 2+% on interest bearing instruments. If the S&P gains 10% over the year, you're getting 11% (10% + 1/2 of the 2% interest since only 50% of your money is in the bond). It's the simplest, easiest way to beat the market every single year. You just need to make sure you roll your calls forward before expiration.
Or, you can buy ATM calls and sell ATM puts to have (potentially) even less capital outlay and invest even more money into interest-bearing instruments. Or can buy DITM calls and sell near-term OTM calls to make a synthetic covered call and collect on time decay. Doing so would still free up a lot of capital to invest in low-risk, interest-bearing instruments (or any other instrument of your choice). But it would also allow you to collect time premium every month, thus lowering your cost basis even further.
You wanna short a stock, but can't because it's in an IRA and the rules don't allow you to? Buy a DITM put.
The point of this (ridiculously) long post is that you shouldn't jump head first into options trading. More sophisticated traders will eventually take all of the money you allocated to options. Get a good understanding and start small. Do lots of research and lots of "what if" exercises. Start with a few strategies and learn them inside and out. Only then, add your next strategy to your arsenal. Don't trade options like they're stocks. They aren't. They're a completely different animal. Respect that. Learn what's different, why, and how that affects your trades. Eventually, learn the greeks way deeper than you think you need. After that, you'll be able to start coming up with actually good trading setups. But only after you understand the greeks pretty deeply AND can simply know how changing any of them changes your position, strategy, what options you have to defend/adjust, etc. The path to being a successful options trader isn't sexy. It's boring. It's work. But it's doable. So do it, or stick to stocks. If you ignore that last sentence, you will lose money in the long run.
I'm ready to get roasted, so have at it.
submitted by thedirtyscreech to options [link] [comments]

The Full DD on $BB: An Elon Musk+Jeff Bezos sandwich for our Supreme Leader John Chen

So you bought $BB at $11 pre-market friday. Smart move my fellow degens 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 strap in, cause you're in for a ride to the moons of fucking pluto.
TL;DR Blackberry/AWS IVY will be in every single vehicle produced after 2022. EV or ICE, self-driving or boomer driving, it doesn't fucking matter. It 🚀 will 🚀 be 🚀 in 🚀 every 🚀 single 🚀 one 🚀 Oh, and Blackberry QNX Neutrinos RTOS is fun too.
Before you start reading, I'd suggest grabbing a snack and a drink. Cause I'm about to drop a fucking novel.
You've probably heard Blackberry QNX a few times around other DDs but you're wondering wtf is it and who the hell is even using it. QNX is an Real Time Operating System (more on this later) meant for vehicles, and it's been around for a really long time. Currently there are at least 175m cars running around with QNX. As for what cars those are, I'll keep it short: Apple Car Play was developed on QNX.
So why haven't we heard more about Blackberry in recent years since there's so many QNX cars around? 2 reasons. 1: Dumbasses like you thought it was a phone company. 2: QNX is so ahead of the fucking game that boomer auto manufacturers like Ford and Mercedes were too stupid to use it effectively. For the last few years it's just been used to turn on your car's radio. But things have changed now.
Zombie cars and QNX
QNX is the first commercial microkernel RTOS. What the fuck does that even mean nerd? For anyone like me who's not a software genius, I've done some research so we all know what we're getting into. A Real Time Operating System is developed to focus processing power on two most important things: Speed and Accuracy. This is different from shit like Windows and Mac OS (General Purpose OS or GPOS) as they spread processing power throughout the system because there isn't exactly anything that's significantly more important than the others. However, when you're using a self-driving program you need the hardware to perform the action at the exact time and speed. Your self driving program brakes too late? Crash into the car ahead of you. Your self program turns the wheel too late or too soon? Crash into a wall.
Blackberry has been working on this technology since 2014. But car makers literally couldn't develop autonomous vehicles fast enough. So these guys have just been twiddling their fucking thumbs.
Fast forward to now, where the rise of Tesla has made everyone and their momma make a self driving EV. Everyone is trying to make their own autopilot program but not their own OS. So who's OS are they using?
SONY? Blackberry QNX. Baidu? QNX baby. XPENG? Blackberry as well. If you read the article, you'll see XPEV is using DESAY's autopilot program that's built on QNX. Know who else is using DESAY autopilot? Li Auto But what about Nio you might ask? Well on NIO day, it was announced that NIO will be using Nvidia DRIVE....which is also built on QNX. What about the Apple car? There's no confirmation yet, but rumors of them reaching out to both Canoo and Hyundai makes me skeptical that Apple has succeeded in creating their own RTOS even after rumors of them starting 7 years ago. But even if they did... it doesn't even matter.
You might have noticed that I didn't mention Tesla at all. That's because they have developed their own Linux-based Operating system, which Tesla has been having trouble getting it approved by US safety regulations. QNX on the other hand, already is. $BB to the fucking moon🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Linux is also an open source OS and this becomes a huge problem when we talk about zombie cars.
That's right. Motherfucking zombie cars. You know that scene in "Fate of the Furious" where Charlize Theron straight up just hacks all the cars in the city and starts slamming them into buildings? Yea, this is a legitimate fear of the U.S. government and Linux is not going to pass any safety regulations. And you better believe after SolarWind and FireEye hacks, Cybersecurity is the hottest topic right now when it comes to national security. You better believe the U.S. Government won't just allow open source OS flowing around millions of autonomous driving cars that can be hijacked at any time of day.
You know who does have MULTIPLE government certifications already though? Blackberry bb. I won't get it, but you can read u/josh_moworld's post right here to get a better idea Blackberry's history with the U.S. government and security.
The best part about it all is, Blackberry designed QNX to be 100% POSIX compliant. In dumbass terms it basically means any LINUX based program can be ported over easily. Come join the dark side, Elon.
Now that you're pretty much caught up to speed on QNX, let's move over to IVY and why I believe IVY will be Blackberry's return to the throne 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Blackberry x AWS IVY
IVY is a co-development between Blackberry and Amazon and it is a 50/50 partnership. That's right; Jeff Bezos, the second richest man in the world and king of predatory business practices chose to partner with a company that has a $5.5b market cap. All hail, John Chen 👑👑👑
So what is IVY? Basically IVY cloud-based software that OEMs can install into their QNX vehicles (or any OS) and read sensor data from the vehicle's DCUs (domain controller units). These are basically sensors that give you data such as: times that you unlocked and locked your car, your car's wheel speed sensors, wiper arm sensors, tire pressure etc. In a Tesla, which is loaded with sensors, you will also see: sentry mode data, when an small object hits your car while parked, how hard you step on the accelerator, how hard you brake etc.
IVY basically captures this data and in real time sends it to OEMs for them to analyze. Cars are going to be fitted with more and more sensors (regardless of if they have autonomous systems or not) and the data that IVY provides is very helpful. This allows OEMs to see their customer's car preferences or driving styles and can further develop their future vehicles to match customer's interests. Also, since the data is transferred in REAL TIME, things like horrible weather conditions, traffic updates, and icy roads can be communicated to all vehicles within the OEM network so that people can be notified ahead of time.
But you know which industry would love this? Insurance companies. OEMs can gather all the safety data that IVY delivers and actually PROVE to insurance companies that their cars are safer. You know how Tesla had to come up with their own auto insurance? That was because Insurance companies were charging crazy high rates for Tesla's that had auto pilot. They didn't know exactly how to rate the risk, or who would take the blame. With Blackberry IVY, OEMs and insurance companies can partner together and have reliable data to work off of.
Best part of it all, IVY is extremely scalable and is a subscription based service. There isn't an exact price announced yet, but you know if Jeff Bezos is involved then there will definitely be a lot of profits flowing in from IVY.
For me, I'm long-term on $BB with some options to take advantage of the recent hype. I plan on holding shares until I see an actual competitor to QNX and IVY... which I've looked all over the internet and I can't find any. And honestly, Blackberry's security suite has so much to offer this isn't even the complete DD. I've just been typing for too long and figured it was a good time to stop. Maybe I will write another post in the future.
submitted by justaneverydaylife to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Happy Saturday, Seniors! What You Really Need to Know about Being Rescinded. 😳

First -- It's gonna be ok.
Second -- Being rescinded does happen, but not often.
Still, the threat of being rescinded — when a college revokes its offer of admission to a student — is scary for a reason. All that hard work and stress for nothing? Kids often wonder, what did that person do to deserve that? It must have been something really bad. Unless it wasn’t. Oh no, what if it was only a little bad? What if I do something only a little bad and I lose my spot?
I find there’s a bunch of confusion surrounding being rescinded. To be clear, at many colleges, offers of admission are conditional upon several factors. Those offers can be withdrawn at any time if those conditions aren’t fulfilled. This is because the college wants to make sure that students take their commitment to the school seriously. They don’t want to admit students who work hard only when they want something or who demonstrate certain values only to gain acceptance.
For example, a college might rescind admission if a student’s academic performance takes a dive in the last semester (and I mean a dive). It isn’t always just about grades either — a college might rescind admission for non-academic behavior. If you get into big trouble, such as by engaging in criminal behavior or doing something really, really stupid that undermines the picture of the person you claim to be, a college might not like that very much.
Yes, being rescinded happens. But it’s not as common as you might think. And if a student has done something that draws negative attention, the university will more often than not ask for an explanation.
But let’s just avoid being rescinded altogether. Here’s how:
1. Keep your grades up.
You can’t slack off your last semester. Try to maintain your grades as much as you can. You don’t want to put all your hard work in jeopardy right before you cross the finish line. I had a Redditor contact me last fall because their admission to a UC school was rescinded over three Cs. So, it happens. Be careful. Here’s a clear rule of thumb: don’t go down over one letter grade per class and don’t do that in more than a few classes. You definitely want to avoid Ds altogether, and also avoid having your entire GPA go down more than one letter grade.
However, know that one bad grade isn’t the end of the world. If you earn a lower grade in a class or even two, during your last semester despite your best efforts, you’ll probably be ok, especially if your other grades remained steady. Look, bad grades happen. Colleges know you have a whole other semester left when they accept you. IF your grades take a dive and you’re rescinded or asked to explain them, be open and honest. I’ve had students write letters about family obligations that took over their lives and they just couldn’t keep up the grades they’d historically made, and it worked out fine. If your grades plummet or drop down more than one letter grade, you should probably get ahead of it and reach out to colleges, explaining your situation and what you've learned from it.
This year, more than ever, it’s going to be important to be transparent with colleges about aspects of your life that have had an effect on your report card: limited access to the internet and technology, members of your household who’ve been struggling with Covid 19 or mental health issues, and economic issues are all real issues that students are coping with and colleges understand that the last nine months could have had an impact on your application and your grades -- even this last semester. So be prepared to explain what’s happening to you. Explaining your situation is NOT making excuses.
2. Don’t be messy on social media OR DO or SAY anything that harms others. Even if you don't post, it will probably be posted on social media by someone else.
Generally, you should focus on being a good person, but you especially need to be careful during your senior year, and especially on social media. On the Tulane Admissions Blog, Jeff Schiffman explains that “The most frequent reason I rescind admissions is dumb stuff you do on social media.” He goes on to explain that admissions officers aren’t trolling social media waiting for you to slip up — they don’t have to. Someone will send them a screenshot of something offensive, and that’s how it starts. As he explains it, “Being a jerk on social media to your peers or your community” is something he has no patience for.
I think you can just extend that to don’t be a jerk. Look, of course, we all have our moments when we act like jerks, but the fact is cell phone videos get posted or sent to colleges all the time. You don’t want to be the kid who has to explain their language choices to an admissions office. You don’t want to be that kid who has to learn the lesson the hard way that your words matter and they can be hurtful. More than a few future seniors had their applications rescinded this past fall for their behavior and words -- either posted to social media by them or others.
So, for example, while you and your friends may think your humor is raw and it’s a blast to be super edgy on Twitter, TikTok, or Instagram Stories, the Tulane or Georgia Tech admissions office might feel a bit differently. Don’t let it get to that point.
3. If something happens and your college comes looking for answers, come clean.
If your college has concerns, they’ll ask you what’s going on, which allows you and your guidance counselor to offer a valid and reasonable explanation. If it’s about grades, talk about how you learned your lesson and how you’ve learned to manage your time more wisely. You can say that you got in over your head, and you have learned how to deal with that situation. Explain that if you catch yourself in a bind in college, you will immediately go to the tutoring center and meet with your professor and TA.
If you did something stupid or mean or illegal, own up to it and talk about how you understand the gravity of your offense. Assure the college that you learned something and you have changed for the better. Reiterate that you made mistakes, learned a painful but important lesson, and you are now ready to steer your academic and behavioral ship in the right direction. Talk about how your experience will make you a better college student now.
For whatever reason (and I hope this never applies to you), if your application is rescinded, reflect on what happened, learn from the experience, grow from what you learned, and move on to the next experience. Unfortunately, if it gets to that point, that’s all you can do. But please please PLEASE know that being rescinded is not common, and if you keep your eye on the prize and focus on being a good person and keeping your grades up, you won’t have to worry about it.
tl;dr: 1. keep up your grades: don't drop down more than a letter grade, don't make Ds. 2. don't be a jerk. 3. prepare to explain.
submitted by admissionsmom to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

My Dad and I live in a really weird hospital. My body doesn't look normal on the inside.

Hey, it's Maggie again. You guys were really nice to me last time! But I'm doing a lot worse than yesterday. Something happened and I don't know how to say this but I guess I'll just start at the beginning.
First off though, some of you asked me a few things that I wanna answer real quick. I wanted to talk about them anyways so it's good you brought those up.
Yes, there are mirrors here but only in the bathrooms. My room doesn't have one so I have to use the one accessible to everyone from the hallway. Dad says never to look at my reflection too long though. He says girls worry too much about their looks and that I shouldn't be like that, and I always do what Dad tells me.
As for my age, I don't want to say how old I am exactly because it's the internet and it scares me. Also, I've always been living here at the hospital. I don't know if we've ever lived anywhere else, but I can't remember. I also don't know anything about my mother and I've never wondered about her. Dad's here for me, I'm not missing anything.
So anyways, I had to talk to Dr Ellie for two entire hours this morning. She was being really nice about the whole picture thing but I kind of hated telling her about it. It made me think of that person again and I just wanted to forget about them. At the end of our session, Dr Ellie asked me something very strange though.
"Have you ever heard of something called Operation Magpie?"
I frowned. Something about these two words resonated with me but I had no idea what they meant.
"It sounds familiar but I don't know what it is."
"Alright. Well, I just thought… maybe." She sighed and buried her face in her hands for a split second.
"What is Operation Magpie then?"
"Please, forget I ever said anything," she muttered. With that, she sent me off.
Dad wasn't outside the office where he had dropped me off. I felt incredibly lonely after last night so I went to look for the next best person to keep me company I could think of. Jonah was in his room, sitting on his bed and staring up at the TV. His room is very much like mine, the same bed, closet, small table and television. I came in without knocking, a bad habit of mine, but he didn't tell me off for it. Even though he usually does.
"Hey, Maggie," he said quietly. "A buddy of mine told me what happened. How are you?"
"Better," I said, climbing up to sit next to him on top of his pillow.
"I'm sorry I didn't come to see you. I wasn't sure if you wanted to talk to anybody."
"I do, just not about the picture."
"Oh. Alright then." He fell silent and we watched TV for a little while. There was a rugby match on. I didn't really care for it.
"Jonah, what's Operation Magpie mean?"
My friend flinched. He flinched so hard he dropped the remote onto the floor beside the bed. "You remember Operation Magpie?" he stammered, in his eyes a mix of joy and disbelief I couldn't place.
"No, but Dr Ellie mentioned it earlier."
Jonah deflated. "Oh… well, um. I'm not supposed to say." He sounded disappointed.
"Why not, who's keeping you?"
"That would be your Dad."
Jonah shrugged. "This is not easy to explain. I could try to talk around it now but… okay. Let's say Operation Magpie had to do with my job. And by extension your Dad's. But that's all I can tell you."
"You're not making any sense. At all."
"I'm sorry but how am I supposed to say this? I want to tell you, I do, but I can't." Jonah's voice was low and empty. I still had no idea what he was saying but there was a feeling of dread rising within me that I simply couldn't shake.
"Maggs, your father is a genius. My leg is his doing and he's made so much more like it, so much more complicated stuff. You should know that this kind of technology, the way we can replace parts of the body here, hardly anybody outside these walls has access to that sort of thing. And we have your Dad to thank for it. I mean, not only him of course, there's the other doctors and nurses and they're all doing amazing work here but the prosthetics… they're mostly Jack's thing."
My jaw must have dropped. Jonah went on. "He drafts them, he oversees their development, he does a lot of the engineering that goes into it and he made it possible to cover them up with realistic-looking skin. He's the most intelligent man I've ever met."
"Then why do you hate him?"
"Because he's also the craziest. He's messed up in the head."
"And why does he hate you?"
Jonah sighed. "Look, Jack and I have something of an ongoing feud. He's done something I don't agree with, something really bad. There's hardly anyone who confronts him about it but I do. He knows that he's wrong but he keeps trying to justify it. I give him the truth but he doesn't want to hear it and… that's why."
"Yeah, but what did he do?"
"I said I can't tell you, okay?" Jonah groaned, wiping his forehead. "I'm sorry. You're gonna have to leave me alone about this."
I hated giving in like that but I didn't want to argue with him either. I stayed in my friend's room for another hour, trying to make small talk and watching the game with him. Eventually I fell asleep and Jonah had to poke me in the arm until I woke up again.
"You should go to your room if you want to sleep," he told me. "It's bad enough you come in here without knocking, I'm not gonna let you take over my entire room."
I told him I was sorry and he just laughed and said I was acting a little bit like a cat. I made my way out into the hallway and back to my room. I wasn't sleepy anymore though for some reason. I hadn't seen Dad all day and I couldn't stop wondering why he hadn't showed up to look after me at least once. I was starting to get a little worried. After further futile attempts to try and occupy myself, I gave up and got on my way to start looking for Dad in his office.
Walking down the corridor, I noticed it was oddly quiet that day. That was why I jumped when I heard a door slam and the loud clacking of heels approaching. I saw Dr Ellie walk towards me from the very back of the hallway–where Dad's office was located. As she came closer, I realized she was sobbing quietly. Her shoulders were trembling and she was wiping her eyes. I stopped in my tracks.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.
"Maggie!" She sounded like she hadn't noticed me standing there until I'd spoken up.
"What were you going to my Dad for?"
"I… we had a pretty big fight, your Dad and I. You won't be seeing me around here anymore."
"Why not? Did Daddy make you cry?"
She sniffed, stifling a chuckle. "A little bit."
"What did you fight about?" I took a step towards her and searched my pockets for a handkerchief for her but couldn't find anything. "I don't get it, everyone's got some kinda problem with Dad."
"Your Dad does a lot of stuff that makes a lot of people very upset. Me too. I've tried to talk sense into him but… well. He's finally made good on his threat. He always told me he'll have my job if I don't stop pestering him and now, now he's actually having me fired."
"No way I'm telling anyone about my nightmares but you! I'm gonna talk to him."
"That's sweet but… I doubt it'll help."
I shrugged. "I'm just gonna try, okay? No harm in trying." I went past her and into Dad's office. I came in without knocking again. He was sitting at his desk and at first, he didn't seem to notice me at all. He was staring at something that was lying in front of him. I couldn't see it since it was obscured behind all the other stuff cluttering the workspace, but he was moving one of his arms over the thing, almost like he was petting a kitten. His eyes were so fixated on the object that it felt like he wasn't present at all–his mind was miles away. It almost looked a bit creepy.
"What do you have there?" I asked.
Dad flinched as his head jerked up and he let out a tiny gasp. In a matter of seconds, he'd torn open the upper drawer of his desk and dropped whatever he'd been stroking inside. He slammed it shut. I was confused; why was he in such a hurry to hide this thing from me?
"Nothing," he said. "You really need to learn to knock at a door before coming in. It's rude and you know, one day you might see something you don't like."
"Like what?"
He threw his head back and sighed. "You're killing me. So what is it?"
"You didn't come to see me all day. Were you busy?"
"Yes. Sorry. You didn't get lonely, did you?" He waved me over to him and patted his leg. I'm a little big for sitting on his lap but he says that's okay. He says he dreads the day I outgrow him. So I sat down and hugged him and he asked how I was feeling and all that. We talked but I was staring at the drawer the whole time. Dad noticed. "We should go. Let's grab a snack or something."
Just as we were getting up, one of the nurses came rushing in. He looked panicked and seemed to be in a hurry. "Jack, you've got to come over to the B-station, there's been an emergency and we need an extra hand."
The B-station is another wing of the hospital, one where I'm not allowed to go on my own. Dad immediately followed the nurse out the door, dragging me along with him and apologizing over and over for having to leave me to myself again. He dropped me off in the mess hall and told me to get something to eat myself. All I could think of though was that he hadn't locked his office door on the way out. Once he was out of sight, I turned around and walked all the way back into the section with the researchers' workplaces.
I was all alone in the hallway, but knowing I wasn't supposed to be there still made me feel watched somehow. I quietly pressed down the handle of my father's office door and slipped inside. Without Dad in it, the room was kind of oppressive. The walls seemed high yet way too close at the same time. I sneaked over to the desk and opened the top drawer. When I laid eyes on what was inside, my heart sank.
It was a bone. It was smooth and white and almost slender in its shape, one end broken off and splintered. I slammed the drawer shut and stormed outside, closing the door behind me–and colliding full force with someone right behind me. I whimpered and spun around to find myself face to face with Jonah.
His jaw dropped when he saw the look on my face and he immediately rested his hand on my shoulder, awkwardly trying to comfort me. "What's wrong?" he asked softly. "What happened?"
I took deep breaths, but they came too fast. It was hard squeezing words out in between. "There's… a bone. In Dad's office. It can't be from any kind of food, it's too big and too clean."
Jonah's face fell but he said nothing.
"Why is it in there?" I panted. "Jonah, what's going on?"
"How'd you find it?"
"I saw him… like, play with it earlier but when I came in he put it away."
"Okay, calm down. We should leave here." He reached for my hand and I let him pull me along back into the section of the station intended for us patients. "I don't really wanna be seen running around back there. Jack's always looking for an excuse to give me hell, I don't wanna serve it to him myself. I just saw you walk back there and thought I should check on you."
My breathing slowed and I nodded at him. "Thanks. Hey, you don't have your crutches anymore," I remarked but he ignored it.
"Look, there's something I need to talk to you about. I can't really keep it in any longer and I don't want to, so… I can't just bust out a whole story here but I'm not the only one who tried to give your memory a little shove in the right direction."
"My memory?" I was puzzled.
Jonah groaned. "Nevermind. But there's one thing I want you to think about. You've seen my leg, yes? Notice how I didn't have a single hair there?"
I nodded wordlessly.
"Apart from your eyebrows and lashes and that on your head, do you have hair anywhere on your body?"
"Rude," I said.
Jonah let out a forced laugh. "You don't get it, do you?" He grabbed me by the arm and without even giving me the chance to protest, he dragged me down the hallway and into one of the bathrooms. It was the ladies' room, but there was no one else around who saw us so it didn't matter. Inside, Jonah ushered me over to one of the sinks. "Give me your hand," he ordered. I hesitantly reached out and let him position my arm over the edge of the sink. Then, he pulled something small and shiny out of his pocket. It was one of those tiny knives surgeons cut you up with. My stomach sank and I immediately tried to turn around and make for the door, but Jonah's other hand was wrapped around my wrist before I knew it and he pulled me back.
I opened my mouth to scream, but Jonah shushed me. "Quiet! This isn't gonna hurt, I promise. I really need to show you something."
I was trembling and already feeling tears in my eyes, but I obeyed. I didn't want to risk him taking that scalpel to my throat. Jonah slowly brought the tip of the tiny blade down on my lower arm. He'd been wrong, it did hurt, but oddly enough not nearly as much as I'd expected it would. It was almost unnoticeable. Still, I squirmed in his grip and whimpered like a crying puppy, but it was more due to fear than actual pain. I turned to look away, I couldn't bear to watch. Finally, he sat the knife aside and I risked a quick glance–there was no blood on it. Frowning in confusion, I looked down at my injured arm. Jonah had cut out an unfinished square. I could see the three lines the scalpel had left, but without the anticipated red drops protruding from them.
Jonah carefully shoved the tip of his finger underneath my skin. I gagged when I watched him lift it up, press his thumb against it on the other side and then cautiously peel it back.
I thought I had been horrified when I'd seen the picture of that mangled body in my room, but when I laid eyes on what was underneath my skin, a new kind of shock took a hold of me. The inside of my arm wasn't red, veiny and meaty as I'd always thought. It was black, smeared with some sort of slimy, transparent glue, but still shiny. Almost exactly like Jonah's leg before it had gotten its coating.
I had never questioned the workings of my body. This was me, this was my shell, these were the legs that carried me and the arms I used to carry food to my mouth. I had always felt like myself, unrestricted by any bodily ailments, free to move however I wanted. How would I have known there was metal inside me, or plastic or whatever this was?
I think I fainted because I can't remember anything after that sight. I woke up in my bedroom though. Jonah had probably brought me back. My head was reeling and I only got up to grab my trash can because I needed to hurl a little. When I was starting to feel better, I sneaked off into the computer room and that's where I am now. I don't know what to make of this yet. Dad has to have known about my arm. But I keep wondering if my arm's where it stops. What if I'm all plastic underneath this? What Jonah said really made me think. I actually don't have hair, like... anywhere?
I searched the web and as it turns out, kids my age normally have body hair, even if it's still really thin and almost invisible. I don't have any of that. Nowhere. It's just smooth, hairless skin. What scares me even more is that I searched my face for it as well and apart from my brows and eyelashes, there was absolutely nothing.
But that's not even all. Something else doesn't add up here. Dr Ellie found me in the computer room a little while ago. Our exchange was short but it weirded me out nonetheless.
"There you are. I've been looking for you. Is everything alright?"
I didn't want to tell her about my arm at first but she knew already, seeing as she went on with, "Jonah and I talked. I know what he… showed you. I have to be frank with you, I've known for a long time." She took a few steps towards me and then leaned in close to speak into my ear. "Don't tell your Daddy what you found out just yet, okay?" I felt her slide something cold and smooth into my hand. "This is the key to my office. They won't clean it out until tomorrow night but I won't be in ever again. So tomorrow, it's all yours; there's a lot for you to see in there. Be careful though. Jonah will help you if he can, you can trust him."
"Where are you going?" I asked quietly.
Dr Ellie drew back. "I'm gonna look for somewhere else to work, I guess."
"But I can still try and talk to my Dad! I'll get him to–"
"Sweetie, it's okay. I'll be fine. Now, you're about to find out some stuff if you go in there tomorrow, and you may not like it. But please, don't resist. Just let it come back to you." She gave me a sad smile. "I'm sorry for what you're about to see and I'm sorry for the role I've played in it. I hope you'll forgive me."
I hugged her. I'm not supposed to hug her but I didn't care. Now that she was leaving, it wouldn't matter anyways. I don't know what she has waiting in her room for me or what her conspiring with Jonah means but I'll find out. Tomorrow, I'm going in.
Update—Part 3
Update–Part 4
submitted by girl_from_the_crypt to nosleep [link] [comments]

Have no idea what Daemons of Chaos are? This loredump is for you!

If you're a new to Warhammer, or prefer your historical titles, but want to learn about what the Daemons of Chaos do and what to expect from them, this is the wall of text for you! Don't worry, I'll try to keep it brief.

General Stuff

Warhammer Hell, i.e. the Realm of Chaos, is smeared onto to the tops and bottoms of the Warhammer world, like if Happy Feet became Event Horizon the further you walked. The Realm is home to four wacky gods: Khorne, god of war; Tzeentch, god of magic, deception, and change; Slaanesh, god of excess and pleasure; and Nurgle, god of disease and decay. The more of their respective gimmick there is, the stronger they get. Each of them plays the others in a Great Game in the Realm of Chaos, with "Great Game" being a euphemism for an endless war that any other battle is peanuts to.
Each god has 3.5 subdivisions of daemons under their command: random daemon monsters, lesser daemons (grunts), Heralds (grunts that got promoted, act as heroes), and greater daemons (gigachads). In more accessible, Skaven terms: beasts are Wolf Rats, lesser daemons are Clanrats, Heralds are Chieftans, and greater daemons are Warlords. Daemons need a constant magic link to stay in the real world, since they're basically magic incarnate. Without that sweet, sweet magic fuel, they pop back into the Realm of Chaos. Also, with the rare exception of getting vaporized with pure holy power, daemons don't die, they just respawn after a while.


Khorne is all about honorable combat. Unlike that nerd Khaine, Khorne would be pissed if his servants started throwing civilians or babies in boiling oil, since they didn't work to shed that blood.
Lesser Daemons
Charming little fellows called Bloodletters that you saw an abundance of in the trailer. They march in orderly rank until battle happens, at which point they go apeshit and turn anything they can find into a puree with their flaming greatswords. Mean little infantry mashers.
They can also choose to hitch a ride in two sweet chariots: the melee-focused Blood Throne (a favorite of Heralds of Khorne, like the one in the pic), and the long-range Skull Cannon. Both are covered in the skulls of their victims, and very angry.
Juggernauts are the cavalry of Special K, and were also in that pretty trailer. They have skin of brass, molten fire for blood, etc., and are only really used as mounts for Bloodletters or particularly slick mortals.
Khorne also loves doggies! Flesh Hounds, specifically. They're the finest hunting hounds around, with an unlimited tracking range and a magic-proof collar.
Greater Daemons
Bloodthirsters, one of which makes up half of that lovely promo image, are constantly FUCKING PISSED and are partial to using whips and axes. Oh, and fighting everything. EVERYTHING.
Lore of Khorne
Joke's on you, Khorne thinks magic is for cheats and pussies. No magic, fuck you.
Special Characters
Ka'Bandha is a vanilla, really strongk Bloodthirster. Nothing really of note.
U'Zhul, better known as 🔥SKULLTAKER🔥, is a mortal-turned-daemon (better known as a Daemon Prince) Herald of Khorne the wiki lied to me who goes around the world 1v1-ing every hero he can find, before decapitating them, burning the skull clean, and moving on. So, basically Scorpion.
Skarbrand is a big, bad Bloodthirster who got b8ed into attacking Khorne, which did nothing. Special K reacted accordingly, before yeeting Skarbrand into the next dimension. The resulting brain damage turned Skarbrand into a mindless killing machine. Great plan, Skarbrand, you idiot!
Valkia the Bloody is a Daemon Princess, and also Khorne's waifu. She goes around killing fools, and letting awesome warriors into Khorne's realm, where endless battle awaits. So, basically a valkyrie.


Tzeentch likes nothing better than magic, and changing things. Imagine a really tricky wizard who gets bored easily. He's also the god with the most monkey's paw-esque pacts. Watch out!
Lesser Daemons
Pink Horrors are cheerful balls of pink spaghetti that enjoy throwing fireballs at range. They split into two grumpy Blue Horrors when killed, who in turn split into angry Brimstone Horrors.
There are also Flamers of Tzeentch, who are like those car dealership inflatable tube men with flamethrowers taped to them. The fire can do anything from burning up souls to making bubblegum-scented crystal. But that's all part of the fun!
Horrors or tube men that have reached Herald status can soar into battle on Burning Chariots, where they can comfortably cast spells while thumbing their nine noses at the Brettonian knights chasing them.
Screamers of Tzeentch are angry manta rays. If a Herald or sorcerer needs a ride, a Screamer gets turned into a Disc of Tzeentch, which would probably make a handy pet.
Greater Daemons
Lords of Change are what happens if Big Bird goes down the wrong road. Wizards par excellence, and you'll likely recognize Sarthorael, Mr. KFC himself, as one of their number. They also like bamboozling mortals into pacts.
Lore of Tzeentch
Arguably more focused on direct damage, fire-based nukes than the Lore of Fire. Cook your enemies in multicolored style! Or don't, since the randomness of Tzeentch means you sometimes heal them.
Special Characters
Kairos Fateweaver fell into a super-special hell well that gave him unlimited view of the past and future, even beyond Tzeentch's knowledge. Also comes with two heads, for twice the voice acting. Or something.
The Changeling is the greatest shapeshifter to ever exist. Simple as that. Tzeentch gives it free reign to more or less do whatever it wants. It even has its own theme song!
Egrimm van Horstmann was once a Bright Wizard prodigy, until he figured he liked Tzeentch better. The wiki article I linked to is super long, so just trust me when I say he does all sorts of cool stuff, like chit-chat with a Shaggoth.
The Blue Scribes were made to collect every spell in existence, but Tzeentch put in a failsafe: P'tarix writes the spells down but can't read, and Xirat'p (yes, their names are backwards of each other, which is why I love them) can read the spells, but don't know what they are. The result? Random spell mayhem!


The god of sex, drugs, and rock n' roll. Slaanesh is all about feeling the greatest sensations, whether it's from a great meal, a hard-won victory in battle, or copious amounts of blow.
Lesser Daemons
Daemonettes are evil crab biddies who've existed on a sliding scale of NSFW for decades. Specialize in melee-mashing and making Reiklanders reconsider their life choices ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).
As for rides, Daemonettes and their Herald bosses get two choices: Seeker or Hellflayer Chariots, both of which are more or less lawnmowers. Seriously, the latter was initially used for body disposal.
Fiends of Slaanesh are anteater-scorpion-giraffe-lizard monsters that fill a similar role to Flesh Hounds. There's also Seekers of Slaanesh, which are literally just Fiends without the stinger, and act as the mounts for some Daemonette cavalry.
Greater Daemons
Keepers of Secrets are very visually diverse, and exist on the battlefield to make the enemy go nuts with lust, etc. They also have smooth moves and disorienting spells. Pretty much a grab-bag of skills, even down to their eclectic appearance.
Lore of Slaanesh
Do you like combat and leadership debuffs? Then you'll love the Lore of Slaanesh!
Special Characters
N'kari is a Keeper of Secrets with a massive hate boner against the Elves. She dueled the first Phoenix King and was trapped in the Vortex for a spell, so she kills pointy-ears whenever she can.
The Masque of Slaanesh is a Daemonette who, due to being in the wrong place (Slaanesh's quarters) at the wrong time (Slaanesh was pissy over Khorne figuratively bending them over), was cursed to dance for eternity. Her dances are often prophetic, and always deadly. If you're going to fight her, use protection. Gromril protection.
• Sigvald the Magnificent, who needs no introduction except his own.


The friendliest god in Warhammer, he insists that his servants call him "Grandfather", and wants to do nothing less than spread his love. His love being disease-induced stagnancy and decay. Thanks, Gramps!
Lesser Daemons
There's actually two this time: Plaguebearers are mortal souls claimed by Nurgle's diseases who now grumpy, durable disease accountants; while Nurglings are cheerful little mini-me's of Nurgle that are basically little toddlers. Cute!
Particularly lazy Heralds of Nurgle are brought into battle on Palanquins of Nurgle (images of these things are hard to come by), which are more or less an easy chair propelled by a small mountain of Nurglings. Comfort before speed, I suppose.
Rotflies/Plague Drones (functionally identical) are what happens when a Beast of Nurgle becomes so bitter it turns into a bug. They act as flying steeds for Plaguebearers, or aerial attackers in isolation.
On the other end of the mood scale are Beasts of Nurgle, giant slug-puppy things that cuddle everyone and everything with love and kindness. Unfortunately, all that love tends to liquify people, no doubt breaking the poor Beast's heart.
Oh yeah, and Plague Toads are here too. Nurgle likes to stomp on them because they pop. That's really everything of note.
Greater Daemons
Great Unclean Ones are also mini-Nurgles, albeit much larger than the tiny Nurglings. Their notable trait, besides the fact that every single one has their intestines oozing out, is being NIGH UNKILLABLE. Seriously, they can eat a Luminark to the face with naught but a hearty laugh to show for it.
Lore of Nurgle
All about defensive buff and damage. Think Lore of Pestilence, but with more emphasize on healing and making your dudes durable, since durability is Nurgle's shtick.
Special Characters
Ku'Gath Plaguefather was a Nurgling who drank Grampa's cauldronfull of mega-plague, which turned him into a Great Unclean One. Nurgle thought this gluttony was hilarious, but Ku'Gath's guilt over drinking the plague turned him emo, so now he's trying to find a replacement for it.
Epidemius is Nurgle's head bean-counter. A Herald like no other, the sourpuss goes around the world cataloging information about every disease that exists. Since battlefields are a hotbed for Grandfather's testing, Epidemius often shows up in battle, which is bad news for him since he just wants a quiet place to keep writing. Poor guy.
Tamurkhan is a mortal who turned into a body-hopping maggot. No, I'm not kidding. Similar to Egrimm, he has a sweet dragon mount and mountains of lore.
Festus the Leechlord was an Imperial plague doctor before Nurgle tried to help him out by giving him knowledge of the causes and cures of every disease. All that knowledge made him go nuts, so now he's doing mad science bioengineering in Nurgle's name.
• There's also a big bunch of dudes, like the Super Glottkin Bros. and the Maggot Riders, that got introduced in the End Times, but my fingers are too sore from typing to elaborate. Just read the articles, mmmkay?
Oh yeah, Furies exist. They're shitty, non-aligned gargoyles that exist to be bullied by lesser daemons.
submitted by Schmedly87 to totalwar [link] [comments]

Hunter or Huntress Chapter 91: You Will Tell Us

So then Time to see how our two lovebirds got on. Don't worry to those that didn't read 90.1 reminiscing will be kept as light as I felt I could get away with.
Once again the editing duo of UnvavoringGray and Twoflower68 need a shout out for their amazing work, in helping me get this out to you guys. Those two fucking rock.
Aside from that, I don't have much to say, so let's get on with the story
ko-fi For having more pretty pictures commissioned.
Wiki Discord
First Previous Next
Chapter 91: You Will Tell Us
There was a knock on the door, a voice Tom didn't recognize yelling from outside, “Breakfast is on, if you want any.”
“Coming,” Tom replied, stretching out lazily. His head didn’t feel too bad though it was definitely throbbing slightly, he felt a little sick too and he was quite thirsty. So nothing out of the ordinary. Noting the absence of snoring from his right, he poked at Jacky a bit, to try and see if she was awake.
“Tom?” the long drawn out reply came. “I feel like shit.” Short on ways to articulate ‘breakfast time,’ he just patted her on the side as he got up, hoping she would follow along eventually.
He only got on the essentials, leaving the armor off for the time being. He had to admit, he too felt rather stiff and sore. As he was doing up his boots he blinked a few times, his eyes messing with him and refusing to focus. All in all though, he was doing fairly okay. It was pretty clear the same couldn’t be said for Jacky, as she still laid sprawled across the mattress, buck nude and unmoving.
“I don’t want to go, everything hurts,” she protested, reaching for the blanket lazily, not even managing to grab it.
“Oh come on you lazy sod, can't be that bad,” Tom went as he grabbed her by the shoulder, rolling her over. She just flopped onto her back like a ragdoll whining loudly. “Please don’t dude, that hurt.” He picked up her arm, also not receiving any resistance, dangling it around a bit. He let go, watching it bounce off the mattress as she let out a distressed groan.
“You are a fucking mess arent you?” he questioned, giving her a light smack on the butt, as he started gathering up her clothes and laying them in the bed for her.
He picked up her crown, putting it on without much success. It was sort of on there but it was more laying on top of his head. Looking to Jacky she was at least looking at him now as he struck a pose for her, doing his best to look like a girly idiot. It did land him a chuckle from her as she slowly began moving. She winced as she sat up and began stretching everything that could be stretched right down to her toes.
Getting up, she scooped up his helmet and placed it on her head, even if the horns did kinda ruin the experiment. The tip of the helmet fell down in front of her eyes and made her look like an absolute idiot. “Look I’m the crazed killing machine. YAHHH, bang, bang, bang,” she went, doing the finger guns, pretending to be firing around the room, though she was still rather lacking in the enthusiasm department.
Tom really wanted to reply, shoulders sagging a bit at the thought that he couldn't. Jacky took off the helmet and continued doing stretches even if it was clear from all the wincing and slow movements that she was not enjoying it. “How can a night with you leave me in worse shape than the most insane battle I have ever taken part in?” She went with some annoyance in her tone.
Tom scratched the back of his neck, trying to look innocent, as he went about inspecting a very interesting wooden figurine on the window.
“Screw it, that was so worth it, it’s ridiculous. Now small steps Jacky,” she continued as she started to walk over to the washbasin. She looked truly ridiculous as she inched forwards bow legged. Tom eventually grew sorry for her, going over to lend a shoulder. “And of course you're completely fine. I don't like not being the awesome one you know that… and that’s mine,” she playfully protested, taking the crown and putting it on. “You are just a copper, remember?”
‘If only you knew how awesome you are, miss silvered huntress,’ Tom thought to himself with a smile as he helped her freshen up a bit and get into her clothes. After she had gotten ready and he got everything he didn't need sorted and stowed away they set off, making it just shy of the stairs.
“Oh this is gonna suck,” Jacky let out, stopping. Tom pondered the situation for a second before picking her up in a bride carry, going down the stairs with her as she slung her arms around his neck.
“...Just for today I will allow this,” she went, sounding more than a little sarcastic as they made it to the hall. Most of the people were well into their breakfast, though nearly all eyes turned to the two of them as they entered.
“Morning,” Tom let out, staring back at the mixed collection of faces. Some looked curious, others uncomfortable, one guy gave them a thumbs up and a smirking nod, and Jarix looked like he wanted to be somewhere else while also having several questions. ‘Oookay,’ Tom thought, screaming internally. He had guessed someone would have heard them. This was a lot worse than even he had thought; this was catastrophic.
Looking around, Zarko had her face buried in her food, sitting at the table closest to Jarix. Unkai looked away when Tom caught him staring. Going over, he deposited Jacky next to Zarko before getting some food for the two of them.
He came back with a plate of mostly smoked and salted meats with bread and some fairly nice smelling cheese. Jacky dug in with a voracious appetite, Tom joining her and trying to ignore the people who were staring.
Silence reigned at the table until Zarko elected to open the conversation, for once.
“So, feeling well-rested?” she questioned. Her expression perfectly plain as she continued eating.
“Yup, feeling much better. Weren't you supposed to be on the wing by now?” Tom replied, trying to seem nonchalant about it.
“Yes, but the lady overruled me, apparently her precious little huntresses need a good meal before such a flight,” she replied, seeming none too pleased as she scowled at the kind old lady before turning to Tom. "She still can’t hear us, right?”
“Nope. Deaf as can be sadly.”
“Excellent, let me give you a bit of advice: whatever you did to her, you might want to consider telling her to quiet down a bit… somehow,” Zarko continued, getting eye contact with him then looking Jackalope over, clearly thinking. “I wanna ask a favor.”
‘I do not like where this is going,’ Tom concluded, rather desperately looking around for a way out of this. Zarko clearly figured out where his mind had gone at that, her expression turning to one of disgust.
“No, you idiot. I want the most dangerous person I know to owe me a favor… In exchange for not letting a certain someone know what happened here, and embellishing some details.”
‘Godfucking dammit,’ Tom cursed to himself, looking at the now grinning second lieutenant. He did not like the prospect of what would happen if Zarko just started telling stories back at the keep. “What kind of favor are we talking?”
“Oh, I don’t know, I’ll think of something… eventually” Zarko replied, seeming very pleased with herself. ‘Oh god damn you,’ Tom cursed.
“Fine, don’t keep the deafness a secret though that’s just too obvious.”
“I won’t don’t you worry, but I gotta ask. What the hell did you do to her? More out of morbid curiosity than anything else.”
“And why would I tell you that?” Tom replied in an annoyed tone.
“Well I might be persuaded to keep those two from blabbing too loudly as well,” she replied, pointing at the two huntresses Tom suspected were gonna be joining her.
Looking around, it was clear the battle of this not being a topic was lost in advance. ‘Screw it, might as well have fun with it, Shiva is gonna try and kill me anyway,’ Tom mused to himself, looking to Zarko.
“Well, there is not much too it, I just rode her for all she was worth” Unkai nearly choked on his food at that.
“I think they heard us last night,” Jackalope tried to whisper as she leaned over to Tom, of course doing so loud enough that it wasn’t hard to hear for anyone at the table. Tom cracked a smile at that, trying to not laugh, nodding slowly while looking down. “Dammit, I even tried screaming into the pillow and everything,” she continued, looking around at the people staring. Tom wasn’t sure if she believed she was talking to herself or what. He gave her a little poke to the side, earning him a wince in response, “Please don’t, that still hurts.” Tom patted her on the back a bit to say sorry.
“I will try to keep her more quiet next time,” Tom promised as he looked to Unkai, who was sitting across from them. The healer damn near had his head below the edge of the table, looking extremely uncomfortable.
“For the record, I think whatever you two did was counter to my medical advice,” he peeped out after Tom stared at him for a bit.
“I was fairly gentle with her, I didn’t want to open up the wound on her back… You might need to take a look at that actually… She got a little... carried away.” If the dragonettes could blush, he was damn sure Unkai would be competing with Jarix for most blue individual right now, his ears completely flat against his neck.
“Sure thing.”
“That was gentle?!” Jarix finally broke out, looking at Tom with disbelief. “Do you know how you two sounded? I could hear everything godsdammit!” The dragon shuddering as he said that. Well, the few faces who hadn’t been giving them weird looks before sure as fuck were now.
Tom had to give it to the dragon, he hadn’t thought of that. “Sorry not sorry, I can try to make you some earplugs if you want, we can’t be the first ones you have heard,” he tried with a shrug. Jarix opened his mouth to speak thinking better of it.
“I would like that actually,” the dragon replied eventually, his expression rather ashamed as he looked away.
Looking back to Unkai, Tom asked the healer. “In your experience how bad it is when you people get hot… like you know, too hot?”
“I mean hot enough will kill you eventually, you faint long before that though.”
“Just checking. Getting that hot a few times in a row, is that bad?”
Unkai gulped, as he stared at Tom. “I don’t think I would recommend it,” he finally went, sounding ready to bolt.
“Noted,” Tom replied, putting an arm around Jacky’s waist.
“How did you manage that? I mean you were going at it for a while, but you held breaks, we could hear that much. How did she get so hot so fast?” Zarko questioned.
'Were you standing outside the door or something?’ Tom cursed, debating whether the comeback to that was worth the possible fall out with Jacky. ‘Yeah sure, this ship has sailed,’ he concluded.
“Oh, those were when she fainted, or you know just locked up completely. Then she needed a bit of a cool down.” That finally got a reaction from the normally stoic Zarko, as she turned to look at him wide-eyed. Jarix’s jaw hung open looking like he just witnessed his parents having sex, and Unkai froze in place as if something just broken inside him.
“What did you just say?” Jackalope questioned looking to Tom, clearly picking up on all that. She did not sound entirely pleased either.
‘Right, that’s fair,’ Tom concluded to himself, getting out the notebook, pondering how to spin this. He couldn’t outright lie, and she definitely knew what the subject was currently.
“That you are the most awesome thing both in the sky and the bedroom,” Tom wrote down, feeling proud of himself, doing his best Fengi impersonation as he showed her, trying to look cute.
Jackalope looked at the notebook slightly skeptical for a second or two, eyes flicking between it and him. “I’m on to you,” she finally replied, going back to her food, Tom letting out a slight sigh of relief.
“More like on top of you,” he retorted, chuckling at his own joke.
“Oh god, Tom please,” Jarix protested, sounding more than done with this conversation.
“Come on, you’re eighty and a combat vet now. Deal with it,” Jarix just stared at him, looking distinctly unimpressed as Tom just leaned on Jacky with a shit-eating grin on his face and went about his food. Ironically enough though he was struggling a bit with his appetite, having stacked up a sizable plate. Jacky eventually nicked a few things from his plate, much to her delight.
The questioning of both the man and woman they had captured had proved fruitless. They hadn’t even gotten a name out of them. Eventually they had just given up, leaving the city guard to it.
Sapphire and Dakota had been given bunks to sleep in at the Stockade on account of Sergeant Lanok having grown a lot more confident since Victoria departed. He refused to let them leave. Even if they weren't really locked up, it was still pretty damn annoying, not to mention belittling. It was a fine enough place to get a few hours of sleep though.
Maiko had woken them up a while later, Sapphire blinking the sleep from her eyes. This was not enough sleep for a night. Judging by the sun outside the window it was very early morning. “That was quick,” Sapphire noted, rubbing her eyes.
“Well we have a job to do, and possibly people trying to outrun us. So let’s go, chop-chop,” Maiko replied, yanking the blanket of Sapphire. “Seriously?” Sapphire protested, looking up at the bemused corporal who just moved to Dakota and repeated the maneuver.
They got up, donning their armor, and collecting their things.
“Do you think she found some village crazy woman?” Sapphire questioned, glancing at the equally sleepy-looking Dakota.
“No idea, we better not be late though. Let’s get down there,” Dakota answered, getting to her feet. Sapphire noticed a slight smile on Maiko’s face as they made their way to the interrogation room. Both of the kidnappers had been brought in there, the city guard sergeant joining them shortly after they arrived. He was suddenly looking very nervous not saying a word as they waited.
It took a few minutes before a tall slim woman, clad in the Hashaw family uniform, stepped into the room. Victoria followed behind her flanked by a captain of the city guard.
“Meet Inquisitor Joelina Hashaw. She has agreed to assist us moving forward,” The Colonel went in a distinctly smug tone as Sergeant Lanok stared in awe.
“I agreed to interrogate your prisoner, Victoria, nothing more, I have work to do” the tall woman replied in an ice-cold tone. “And only because the Lady required it. Tie them down tight, suicide is not acceptable.”
“Oh fuck me,” the female kidnapper let out as they began strapping the two of them to their chairs with leather straps and rope. Sapphire had no clue how many inquisitors there were, but they were rare as could be, she knew that much. 'Yup, they're fucked,’ she concluded, not sure if she wanted to watch this.
“Before we start you should know, I will learn what I want to know, so you might as well make this easy. If you don’t I won’t be able to guarantee your safety. I’m sure you don’t want to end up a drooling mess. Of course, you could just tell us right away.”
“She’s joking, don’t tell her anything.. ahrg!” the male let out, thrashing at his restraints. As the inquisitor dug her claws into his skull and squeezed, the guy’s head snapped back to look her in the eyes, pupils wide. She was clearly concentrating, her eyes burning vivid green as she stared into the guy’s eyes and began speaking.
“Let’s see here. Oh stop thinking about your crush that won't help you, she’s not even pretty… Who sent you?... Hello. You look familiar, so you worked for Gyros then? Noted… You didn't question someone willing to pay that much for a kidnapping job? Good god, you’re an idiot. Yes, yes, you lost three friends. I don’t care. Where were you supposed to deliver him?... I see.” The inquisitor let him go with a dejected sigh, the guy’s head slumping over to the side, a distant expression on his eyes as he twitched a bit.
“Well that was disappointing, so little discipline,” she went, taking out a notebook. “His name is Hinato, he was contracted through a gentleman named Gyros, whom I know rather well, by an anonymous beneficiary. Their destination was an abandoned warehouse where they would hand off the target to said beneficiary. Here it is, they met there yesterday day to discuss things you're looking for a woman in a hooded dress, her face was covered” She continued, tearing out a page from her notebook and handing it to Victoria. “I say you hurry up and pray they are waiting confused that their shit mercenaries haven't shown up yet, and remember Victoria: favor for favor.”
“This is on my mother's orders, take it up with her,” Victoria responded, inspecting the piece of paper. “You know this would have been so much easier if you had woken up when I told you to.”
“I still have a day of work ahead of me, speaking of which, let's see what she knows.”
“No need, I’m fine to talk!” the woman let out, looking terrifiedly at the guy strapped down next to her. “I’m Thalrex. I have been with this company for 2 years. I was paid 63 silver for my share, which is the most I have ever been paid for a one night job. We were waiting outside the window for half the night, we were supposed to be back by sunrise and the guy who got away is called Hjortun, he’s a coward, I have a flying lizard named Skitters and I swear I don’t know anything else!” Sapphire was wondering whether a fresh set of undergarments would be necessary for the mercenary, but she certainly put on a convincing performance if she wasn't actually scared shitless.
“Were you the ones who tried to scare the shit out of us at the tavern a few nights ago?”
There was a bit of a pause before Thalrex answered. “No… We just had to kidnap a dude for ransom” She sounded genuinely confused at that so she might actually be telling the truth.
“Ransom?” Dakota questioned, thinking for a bit. “Never mind I get it, drop the charges and we get him back” She continued, nodding to herself
The inquisitor looked back at them, looking very smug. “Anything else I can do for you?”
“No, I think we have places to be. I do owe you for this.”
“I’ll be sure to cash in when I need a place burnt to the ground... Toodeloo,” she went as she waltzed out the room. The City Guard captain followed her out, asking questions about if she could be persuaded to help with some of his other prisoners.
“Thanks for your cooperation,” Victoria went, looking at Thalrex. “They’re all yours Sergeant.”
“Wait, you promised to pay for my jail time. I don't want to be a slave!” Thalrex protested, fighting her restraints.
“And I didn’t want to be indebted to the inquisition, we can't all get what we want,” Victoria replied, turning to leave. Thalrex continued to protest loudly, sounding ready to break down completely as the door was shut behind them. Victoria turned to Sapphire and Dakota, her expression turning worried from her previous stone-cold professionalism.
“You two okay?”
“We're fine. Balethon is a bit worse for wear. He's being looked after though,” Sapphire replied, trying to hide the shock of what she had just seen.
“Actually he should be up and about by now. The poison should not last more than a few hours,” Dakota interjected. “We might need his nose for this. That snout of his is good for more than helping with cooking after all.”
“Let’s go pick him up then, we have transport on the roof. Don’t worry he doesn't stain. He’s just the sweetest in fact, so try to be nice,” Victoria replied, before making for the infirmary.
The rather bewildered Balethon was indeed up and about, even if he still looked a little stiff in his movements. The mercs had actually been very professional with the poison, only giving him a shallow cut to the base of the neck where it would act quickly but heal easily.
Making it to the roof, it was indeed Tiguan who was sitting perched on the landing platform. Sapphire knew he was on their team, but the sight of a jet black dragon sent shivers running down her spine. She stopped in her tracks for a second before forcing herself to move forward. Even if he shone like obsidian, clearly freshly polished, everything in her was screaming ‘RUN!’ at the sight of him.
“Yilditz, we have a warehouse that needs a visit, double time. The bastards we need might still be there,” Victoria shouted out as they made it out onto the roof.
“Roger that. See, I promised we didn’t just have to sit around and look scary,” Ylditz went in an encouraging tone, clearly directed at the dragon.
“Yeah yeah, that’s me, look scary and run errands.”
“Oh come now, you were the one who wanted some actual work,” Ylditz replied. “I’m sure you will get the chance to do some good today. Right, Victoria?”
“Well, we are chasing kidnappers. It doesn’t get much more pure-hearted than that”
“I thought you caught them?” Tiguan questioned, sounding more interested as Victoria helped Balethon aboard, the guard clearly struggling with what he was climbing upon. Tiguan seemed too distracted to notice though.
“We did, and now we are after the ones who hired the mercs, a proper bad guy just like you wanted.”
“I see... Well, let’s go then!” The dragon let out, jumping off the roof, suddenly in a big hurry, his crew plus Balethon and Victoria aboard. The rest of the dragonettes on the roof took to the sky under their own power.
“This day is getting strange real quick!” Sapphire shouted to Dakota.
“Just go with it. Not like we are gonna be attacked in this formation.”
“True, people tend to steer clear of me, now let’s go see about fucking up some bad guys!” Tiguan shouted back to them.
“Hear, hear!” Echoed out from a fair few of the other people in the formation. Not counting Tiguan and his now 5 person crew, they had half a dozen dragonettes here, seemingly all members of the family or guards from the estate.
The sun was still low in the sky as they soared over a not so desirable part of town. The skies were still quiet, most people weren’t gonna be up for at least a few more hours. They eventually found a building that matched the description, A large squat wooden warehouse, the number 6 marked on the roof, even if the paint had started to fade.
Tiguan had started relaying orders from Victoria so all could hear.
“Victoria is running interception with all loose flyers, in case someone runs. I will smash in the front door and give them a bad day. All good?” the dragon questioned, looking about the formation, receiving thumbs up all around. “Good, let’s go be heroes!” Tiguan let out with considerable enthusiasm as he went into a dive.
Victoria had disembarked, taking the lead of the dragonette formation, leading them down over the warehouse. The black dragon went into a steep dive with his wings tucked in, pulling away from the formation. Sapphire could just about make out someone shouting on Tiguan's back as he sped off; it sounded almost like Ylditz. “No, we can’t do that!”
Sapphire had expected him to land and then perhaps knock in the doors, but he didn’t do that. He was apparently very confident that this was the right building as he let loose a stream of acid aimed at the roof, covering it in the sickly gray gooey substance that quickly began eating away at the wooden structure. He spread his wings to slow down before landing on the roof, smashing through it with a resounding crunch of snapping wooden support beams.
“Well that is one way to do it,” Sapphire let out, staring in disbelief at the sight of the ruined building.
“Godsdammit Tiguan!” Victoria shouted out from ahead loud enough that it carried.
“Hands where I can see them and wings folded!” the dragon roared out from inside the warehouse, Sapphire not able to see anything through the hole except a cloud of dust slowly rising.
Victoria ordered the formation broken up into three wings and placed Dakota in charge of the third. Victoria taking the first wing inside with two and three holding the perimeter.
“Uhm… No one here,” Tiguan eventually bellowed out from inside, sounding more than a little disappointed.
“I am not paying for this,” Dakota stated disheartedly. “What does a warehouse even cost?”
“More than a few dencils I’m guessing,” Sapphire replied, shaking her head.
Okay then. Tom and Jacky appear to have survived the night not some better than others. Sapphire and Dakota are thoroughly on the offensive even if they have ended up mostly just coming along for the moment.
As always do let me know what you thought down below, as we maintain course heading for number 100. that's is gonna be quite the occasion.
Until next time, have an awesome day.

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So you're living with an INTJ: An INTJ's thoughts on handling INTJs.

There's a lot of relationship questions on this sub, and a lot of 'Am I the only one who' posts. These are great, but sometimes I really wonder if people understand what an INTJ really is, and why we are the way we are.
As a disclaimer, we're all different, and two INTJ's can be vastly different on the outset. What I want to do is attempt to explain a generalized view of an INTJ's thought processes and why they cause the moods they do. Everyone is different, I for example was raised by an ENFP mother and an INTP sister. My Fi is particularly strong, and my Te is specifically weak. For an INTJ at least.
Finally, I'm not good at formatting and reddiquette. But I'll do what I can.

What is an INTJ?

INTJ is a shorthand version of Jung's explanation of how a person processes and utilizes information. It is /not/ a personality. This is an important distinction. INTJ DOES influence a person's personality, but it is still distinct. Especially with Meyer Brigg's there's a lot of assumptions about INTJ's and others that I find frustrating as many have nothing to do with the thought process itself.
In example, somewhere I saw that 'INTJs listen to full albums, INTP's listen to specific songs.' What? This has nothing to do with the thought process. As an INTJ, it all depends on what my goal is. If I'm 'learning' a new album or band, yeah. If I'm attempting to short circuit my Ni/Fi loop by overcompensating with Se? Specific songs.
So again, INTJ is a thought process. It makes INTJs similar in thinking. It does not make us the same, not even close. If you're unfamiliar with the cognitive functions. I recommend checking out the link in the FAQ, as I will be referring to them often.

What is the INTJ's process?

Ni - INTJ starts their process with Ni. Introverted Intuition. You ever see an INTJ answer a question before you're halfway through? That because we 'skipped' steps. You ever ask an INTJ where that red doohicky that's yay-high with the bristles that are pink and... They probably stared at you in confusion. Then other times you simple said 'that one thing' and they instantly knew what you were talking about. That's Intuition. An INTJ deal with information on a conceptual level. It's difficult to describe, but to us everything has a sort of 'essence'. It's function, it's use, sometimes even feelings about the item, it's relation to other items. It's all very nebulous in a way. If you ask an INTJ to describe an object, we'll give you those things before we'll give you it's physical description.
This has it's pros and cons. It's what makes us quick-witted. By not getting hung up on the physicality of an item, we can form connections much faster. Analogies and metaphors come easily because we have already conceptualized the idea.
This also makes us terrible at identifying things, especially people. Without interaction with people, I will /neve be able to point them out unless I actively retain some physical information. If I got in a car accident and the dude took off, I'd probably be shit at telling you what the car was.
It also makes us prone to mistakes. Even though people see INTJ's as methodical, our conceptualizing also detracts from that. If an INTJ determines a 'false' relationship between two objects, or fails to see the purpose of a step, they can easily jump from point A to point B. And be wrong. An mature INTJ has to develop the skills to slow down and make sure he's not skipping steps in order not to miss critical information.
Te - Extroverted Thinking. This is the point where most people are surprised by an INTJ. We've quickly determined a conceptual set up steps to solve a problem. Now we're going to do those steps. A normally quiet INTJ can take charge at this point and begin ordering people around. They'll suddenly spring up from reverie and go fix that leaky sink. They've solved the problem in their head, now there solving the problem with their hands.
Te is extremely important in an INTJ's life. I'll go over it in more detail later, but understand that when an INTJ is doing, let them do. Input is welcome, but if they don't execute they'll get extremely frustrated.
Fi (Tertiary) - Introverted Feeling. Fi is a tertiary trait, our third strongest, but be aware that tertiary's don't develop until later in life. Younger INTJs may not have developed a strong Fi yet.
Introverted feeling is an INTJ's retrospection. Feeling is /not/ limited to emotions. Feeling contains Ideals, Morals, Principles, ect. In general once we've 'executed', it's time to stop and feel. Am I satisfied with the outcome? I'm dissatisfied at these points, I'll do better. Did I fix the problem? If not (generally) at least I learned, let's go back to Ni and try again.
This is partially a source of INTJ's apparent stubbornness. We /know/ how we feel. We /know/ where our moral's and principles lie, even if they['re greyed. We've thought about it. We may be open to change and logical discourse, but it's going to take a lot to change how we really feel.
This is also why INTJ's, are some of the most affectionate. Strong Fi's mean we love strongly, and we hurt fiercely. A hurt INTJ will retreat, and even if you don't see it, the INTJ will mull it over in the Ni/Fi loop for a long time. It's /very/ important to pay attention to an INTJ, and make sure if you have wronged them in some way, that you gently reassure them that it was not intentional and you still care for them. We'll probably come around, just give it time.
So, to sum up. An INTJ internalizes conceptual ideas, executes on them, and then feels some way about it. These don't always happen together. Steps can be missing or skipped, but in most scenarios this is how it plays out. This is why INTJ's will solve a problem and yell at you later. So what happens when something is missing?

The 'moods' of an INTJ.

Problem solving - Ni -> Te. Mostly self explanatory. Your INTJ is quiet and pondering. Try your best not to interrupt them. We probably aren't 'aware' of what's going on around us. We may be pacing or fidgeting. You might see us do something then be confused why we did it. We seem air-headed during Ni, and we are. If you need to interrupt a particularly intense Ni thought, do it slowly and gently. Sudden interruptions are frustrating, and it can be difficult for us to 'return'. The best bet is to get our attention gently, then wait. We'll finish our thought and respond.
Then, as above, we act. Once again, this is where the INTJ gets satisfaction. We have a solution. Let us solve it. Unless necessary, try not to tell us to 'wait' or do it 'later'. This is our reward. It may not seem like it, but we worked hard. You're usually welcome to help, but don't interfere, and don't say you'll do it instead. We need this, if we don't act, we'll be frustrated.
Introspection - Ni -> Fi This is the dreaded Ni/Fi loop. These are both great and terrible. If you're INTJ is intentionally in the Ni/Fi loop, then they're simply pondering over various aspects of their life and how they feel about them. They'll understand much about themselves, and you, and many other things. It can be a very rewarding time for an INTJ, and another that you don't want to interrupt if you can help it. This is the default state when your INTJ doesn't have a problem. For the most part it isn't an issue until it becomes.
Depressive - Ni -> Fi These are the same loops, but I made them distinct because it's very important to understand the differences. An INTJ taking time to be introspective is GOOD. An INTJ STUCK in Ni/Fi is BAD. The INTJ begins to analyze aspects of their life they're unhappy with, and what they did/are doing wrong. If they can't act on these, they feel guilty and shameful. The spiral down an endless stair case of 'What am I doing? What am I feeling?'. The toughest part about being with an INTJ is this stage. You can't /force/ an INTJ out of this stage, but they have to get out, and you can help. Very much so.
First, you have to learn the difference between Introspective Ni/Fi and Depressive Ni/Fi. The general rule of thumb. The longer an INTJ is alone and idle, the higher chance of them being or ending up in, the Depressive Ni/Fi.
There's two ways an INTJ can get out.
First: Introduce Te. An actionable problem. This is a bit tricky. You can't just give an INTJ a puzzle and say solve this. Once we're in Ni/Fi it's hard for us to motivated Te. BUT, if you ASK for HELP with a problem, you can generally pull us out. Make sure it's something we can do, and hope it takes us a decent amount of time. If we're successful, thank us. Between that and the satisfaction of exercising Te, chances are our mood will change. But there's always the chance we fall back into Ni/Fi soon.
Second: Binging. This is INTJ's coping mechanism. It may seem odd, but when an INTJ is stuck in their own head, the easiest out is to overload our Se. This takes all kinds of forms. Eating, Watching TV, music. It all depends on your INTJ. As long as it's not excessively destructive let us go. If you need to get an INTJ out of Ni/Fi without a problem to solve, offer their favorite form of Se. Ask them to watch that show they like, or to listen to tunes, or go out to eat. Anything.
This is why you see popularized fictional INTJ's (Sherlock Holmes, House ect.) dive into drugs when there's no 'case'. Sensory drowning is the only other cure for the Ni/Fi loop.
Binging - SE -> / I just covered this, but it's here as it's still important to an INTJ. If your INTJ is binging, as long as it's not destructive, don't force them to stop. Unless you can offer a problem for them to solve, let them go. They need to get out of their own head. Se also tends to be why INTJ's can have high sex drives, as it both blocks the Ni/Fi loop, while feeding into Fi.

Relationship specifics/Identifying stages/Dispelling myths.

"My INTJ doesn't seem to care about my feelings."
No. No. No. No. Nothing could be further from the truth. Fi is our tertiary, and it can be particularly strong. But Fi is /not/ selfishness. When an INTJ loves you, they do so deeply. Fe tends to be weak, so we can tend to miss signals other types would pick up on, but there's few that will care so deeply about your feelings. It's important that if an action or event caused you to feel some way, and the INTJ missed it, you tell them. Be kind, and be logical as possible. But tell them. If it's major they made need time to process it, but the INTJ will fix it.
But be CAREFUL. Because Fi tends to be strong for INTJs, they will ABSOLUTELY martyr themselves if need be, and you will probably never even realize it. Because the INTJ is such an internal creature, they will suffer through a lot before voicing it, especially if it solves a problem for the one they care about.
"My INTJ spurns my affection/isn't affectionate often/enough."
INTJ's are difficult creatures. Since Fi happens last, and Fe is underwhelming, there's few points where showing affection is forefront for us, and many times we express it in odd ways. When expressing affection to an INTJ do it gently and subtly. There's few things better to an INTJ than being focused on a problem and receiving a gentle 'hey I'm here, and I love you.' from their S/O, that does NOT interrupt their process. Many times you'll find that they can actually drop what they're doing to reciprocate, or they'll come to you afterwards. The most important thing to remember is you do not want to disturb them, it simply frustrates them.
"My INTJ always has to be right. He ignores my feelings for answers."
Yes. And no. INTJ's have to have an answer. Nothing is more frustrating than a question we can't answer. Sure, we can have philosophical debates with no real answer. But we know those going in. Sometimes, you can be right, and not be logical, and the INTJ will argue. Generally INTJ's are open to being wrong. But with strong Fi tends to come a lot of pride. The younger an INTJ, the harder it is for them to be wrong, but as they age they'll begin to soften. Having an answer is more important than being right, in the end.
And we don't ignore your feelings. Either one, we missed them, it happens. A lot. Or two: To us your feelings are kinda secondary to the answer. INTJs can process a lot of feelings in the Ni/Fi loop, and sometimes we forget others can't. So when an argument happens we strive for the answer. Once it's been concluded, many times we'll retreat into a Ni/Fi loop if it was heated. We'll say 'That was frustrating, but they were right and I love them.' then shrug it off without too much issue.
But we forget other types aren't as analytical, if we do begin to realize that your emotions are becoming dangerous, many times we'll also realize that you're feelings are more important, and we'll concede or drop the subject. We might feel stilted, as for whatever reason we believed we were right, and sometimes INTJ's might bring it up again, as the issue wasn't 'solved' and thus may linger in our Ni/Fi.
Just remember. INTJ's require a lot of patience.
**"My INTJ is doing something...weird." Weird is broad here. INTJs almost never do things without purpose though, even if you don't realize that purpose. Eventually you'll come to understand the reasoning, but in general, if they're secluding allow them time. If they're working let them. If they're binging shows, or headphones blaring, or any other form of intense Sensory activities it's use breaking the Ni/Fi loop. Use your judgement on whether it's destructive or not, or a sign of a larger issue. Otherwise, you can mostly let us relax. If they're calling attention to themselves (IE: They cleaned up and dressed nice?) Compliment them. That's it. Don't make a big deal about it. Don't tease them. INTJ's can get embarrassed easy. Many of us will do the most house-work when you're gone. If we tried to dress nice, or shaved ect. It either means we're going to some important social function, or we're trying to subtly impress you. It could potentially be a subtle call for attention, or a small gesture of affection for you. Notice it, compliment it, don't make a big deal out of it.
"My INTJ doesn't like my friends/hates social functions."
D'uh. Look back at our thought process. If you take us to a social function chances are we can't exercise Te. We have Ni/Fi left. If left alone we'll usually be fine, unless we hit depressive. But if the function continually forces us out of Introspection we literally have nothing left. We have to exercise Fe through idle chatter and we're terrible at that. INTJ's thrive on purpose. Idle chatter is superfluous.
If you want your INTJ to enjoy themselves in a social setting, simply give them something to DO. Board games or card games are the best at this, as long as it allows your INTJ to problem solve. They'll begin to open up and feel more comfortable. But be aware, there's a few types that may stunt this. These are the people we tend to not like:
The 'competitive' ENTP(Usually): INTJ's, you would think, would be competitive. But in my experience it's the opposite. We don't shy away from competition, but winning isn't where we derive satisfaction from. While INTJ's excel at games that require strategy or quick thinking, many times you'll find us intentionally 'throwing' games. We'll do crazy things for the sake of this experimentation, like hoarding cards, or playing sub-optimally. This is more often the case once we feel we've 'mastered' the optimal way to play a game.
Enter the competitive ENTP. The first 'game' or 'round' tends to play out 'normally'. The INTJ generally excels, either winning, or losing due to self-imposed restraints or experimentation, and the ENTP realizes that the INTJ is the person to beat.
The next round, the ENTP, in his effort to win, targets the INTJ. The INTJ usually loses, and is frustrated, as he was no longer able to 'experiment'. He tends to feel attacked or bullied by the ENTP.
The third round. The reckoning. Assuming fairly equal skill and intelligence, the INTJ is very rarely outclassed once they've focused. This round is about sending a message for the INTJ, they'll pull out all the stops, mercilessly enacting revenge on the ENTP. Many times this is where the game becomes 'unfun' for players. The ENTP is upset at the loss, the INTJ is upset that the other players (Especially friends/SO) found it unfun. Sometimes this ends the rivalry though. The ENTP has been put in his place, and the INTJ continues to experiment. Other times things escalate.
Keep an eye out for this. It's certainly not impossible for them to be friends, but both must be willing to make concessions. INTJs are prideful, and will enact swift revenge. If the ENTP relaxes on beating the INTJ, and the INTJ doesn't assume everything the ENTP does is an attack, they can be particularly good for each other.
The 'chatty' Kathy: This varies. As usual, INTJ's don't like idle chatter, but when not required to interact constantly, we can ignore it. When, however, the game is on 'hold' because of this, they'll quickly get frustrated. Without the game there's no expression of Te. Their entire thought process is halted until the game continues. The longer or more frequent the hold the more frustrated the INTJ becomes. Try to keep the game moving for your INTJ's sake.
Others: Sometimes INTJ's don't get along with others. We can be fickle creatures, and the less adaptable INTJ's may just not be able to get over certain aspects. But for you, we're usually willing to try. But it has to be on both ends. Don't ask an INTJ to adapt and let someone else continue to aggravate them.
Finally, be aware, INTJ's intuitive thinking prevents them from telling you exactly why something is. But they /know/. They can't tell you why, they can't explain it, but if they really don't like, or really feel uncomfortable about someone, listen. I've seen INTJs, and have myself on occasion, have uncannily called a person for no reason other than 'It just feels like him/her.'
This doesn't mean we're always right, and the circumstances may be different. We're not omniscient. But chances are, we won't be entirely wrong.

For other INTJs:

Many of you frustrate me. You know what you are, but still seem unwilling to change or make concessions. 'If you can't handle me being blunt' or 'I have to be alone a lot deal with it.' to me, those are unacceptable. Being an INTJ does not excuse your actions. We're not superior in any way to the other types. We are however, supposed to be some of the most adept at critical thinking and problem solving. With strong Fi we should be constantly adjusting who we are and trying to become better people. Because if there's always one great problem for INTJs, it's ourselves. Never stop working on that.

Final thoughts:

There's probably some more I missed. But the goal was to let you into the insight of how an INTJ's thought process works, what moods to look out for, and how to help them. Just remember, INTJ's require a lot of patience, be gentle, and help us make sure we have purpose.
Phew I'm done. I'm gonna just hit the save button before I decide not to post it. I dunno how helpful it was, but I feel better writing it. So whatever.
submitted by Yllarius to intj [link] [comments]

Lorechaeology: A look at the earliest 40k lore (Tyranids edition)

I occasionally see references to some of the earliest lore from the 1st-3rd editions of the game being mentioned on here. I have a personal soft spot for the older stuff from when the lore was less defined and everything was a bit looser so I thought it would be cool to go back and explore some of the lore from the OG Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader. I know this will be the oldest of old news for some people here, but for people who have joined the hobby more recently and never gone back to read the really early stuff it might be of interest.
I’m starting off with Tyranids because I actually think the original Tyranid concept is a little more interesting than the hive mind of today. That’s personal preference, but I’m just doing this for fun anyway so what the hell.
Keep in mind with this stuff: it would be almost 8 years before Codex:Tyranids in 2e and an actual model range. The planned Rogue Trader Tyranid model (sometimes called the “Protonid”) was never actually released, although it does appear in some photos in Rogue Trader, and as with many of the factions much of the lore as we now know it has origins in 2nd or 3rd edition.

The Basics:

This is the very first real bit of info on Tyranids in 40k:
“The inhabitants of the Hive Fleets are amongst the most strange, enigmatic and dangerous of all creatures known to the Xenobiologers of the Administratum. No-one knows how many Hive Fleets there are buried deep within the darkness of interstellar space. The best efforts of the Imperium to scout out the Hive Fleets have so far revealed thirteen scattered throughout the western part of the galaxy. However, the galaxy is uncompromisingly large, and there may be many more which remain undetected. The movements of the Hive Fleets are of great interest to all other life-forms. Each fleet comprises millions upon millions of craft, resembling a huge cloud of cosmic locusts. Like locusts, every world within their path is laid waste, every star-system stripped and all resistance crushed.“
This is actually pretty close to how the Tyranids would turn out. Sure, the “extragalactic” part wasn’t there yet, but overall a very familiar description. Strap in. Things are about to take a turn for the weird.

Tyranids aren’t the only species in the Hive Fleets

Tyranids are in charge, but the Hive Fleets are filled with bio-engineered “slave races”.
“The motivating force behind the Hive Fleets are the Tyranids. These creatures together with their numerous biologically cultured slave races have no use for the worlds they ravage and make no permanant settlements. A world is nothing more than a resource to the Hive Fleets, a mine of minerals, fuel and biological material. The Tyranids find a use for everything - from each tiny living creature to the wry atmosphere of the planet, nor do they leave a world until it is reduced to a bare core of airless rock.“
You might think “oh well, that’s just a different way of referring to the different types of Tyranid organism surely”. In a sense that’s true:
“Other slave races are little more than animals. mere blobs of protoplasm dedicated to cleaning and maintaining the Hive Fleets of which they are a part. Even the hulking spacecraft that compose the Hive Fleets are in a sense races as they are grown and nurtured from a common, albeit much modified, biological stock. Spacecraft are mindless monstrosities and the vast majority of other slave races are so dedicated to a single purpose it would be inappropriate to think of them as creatures.”
But then in come the Zoats:
“Tyranid armies always include a fair number of slave races, the most common of whom are the genetically engineered Zoats. Any Tyranid force must have at least half its numbers made up by Zoats.“
Here's what the OG Zoat model looked like btw, although this model wouldn't be released for another 5 or 6 years.
Here's the Blackstone Fortress Zoat model, the first new Zoat sculpt in the better part of 30 years.
“Zoats are the most common of all the Tyranid's many specially engineered slave races. Zoats […] are completely independent living creatures much like their masters. The Xenobiologers of the Administratum believe that Zoats were created purely for combat.”
That’s right, in Rogue Trader actual Tyranids could only make up at most 50% of a Tyranid army! The rest consisted of an entirely separate and sentient slave species. Not only that but Zoats made up sometimes 50% of the population of Hive Fleets, and could hold leadership positions in Tyranid “society”:
“Zoats are common Hive-Fleet inhabitants, often equalling the number of Tyranids themselves. Although they are a slave race, Zoats occupy important positions throughout the Hive Fleets and individual Zoats can gain great power.”
And they are definitely sentient outside of the Hive Fleets, as renegade Zoat civilisations are said to exist:
“Rebellion from Tyranid control is not unknown, but is extremely rare. This is because Tyranids secrete a special slave-hormone which supresses the Zoats natural sense of independance. However, renegade Zoats do exist throughout the universe where they have broken away from the Hive Fleets or have become lost during scouting or exploration missions. Without the inhibiting influence of the Tyranid slave-hormone, Zoats are able to develop strong psychic powers. The path of independent Zoat civilisation is incredibly diverse, with small groups isolated from each other on widely scattered planets.”
I don’t have anywhere else to fit this, but the Zoat diet is a really bad pun on the popular (well popular in the UK at least) breakfast cereal “Weetabix”:
“Unlike Tyranids, Zoats will eat anything although they largely subsist on a daily diet of three reconstituted protein based woven biscuits called Zoatibix.”

Tyranids are adapted to low gravity and space ship living

While the bio-engineering aspect of Tyranids is still present the Tyranids themselves were still described as a single species who mostly looked alike. Unlike the later constantly evolving creatures of the hive fleets Tyranid biology is a result of regular (non-accelerated) adaption to living a spaceborne lifestyle.
Tyranids were originally envisioned as having six limbs: One pair have hands (for manipulating things), one pair have hooves (for locomotion), and one set have… webbing (for balance and moving around in low/zero g spaceship corridors). The weirdest part is that they run on the middle pair of legs with the other two pairs tucked in or being used for balance like some sort of horrifying hexapod toddler.
“Tyranids are weirdly distinctive creatures. They have evolved over countless millennia within their Hive Fleets. They are centauroid in appearance, with six spindly limbs. The rear limbs have webbed appendages which serve as both hands and feet, helping to stabilise the creature in the low-gravity conditions aboard Hive Fleet ships. The front limbs are manipulative with double-thumbed hands, whilst the middle legs are hooved and form the primary locomotory limbs. A Tyranid can move using its central legs alone, although when moving slowly they tend to use any free limb to grasp onto the irregular walls of the Hive Fleet ships.“*
Here's the first bit of Tyranid art we ever got. You can see the beginnings of the Gaunt design there.
And this is the unreleased Protonid model. A bit more lizardy than the later models and more elongated.
Rear view of the same model.
Also, Tyranids have really bad hearing because their natural environment has a really thin atmosphere where sound doesn’t travel as well. But they are very sensitive to atmospheric pressure changes and vibrations. Don’t ask me how something can have bad hearing and also be sensitive to atmospheric vibrations because I don’t know either.
“All Tyranids have excellent vision afforded by their secondary eyes which grow from stalks along their neck. These are often mistaken for ears by ignorant humans, but the creature's real ears are set into deep 'canals' along the Tyranid's neck. Having evolved in a low-gravity, low density atmosphere, the Tyranids sense of hearing is extremely poor, but they are remarkably sensitive to changes in atmospheric pressure and vibration.”
Interestingly this space adaption goes so far as to actual make Tyranids unable to easily tolerate planetary gravity, which makes a certain amount of sense.
“Tyranids, being creatures of space, suffer discomfort if they spend too long on a planet. Zoats. however, are stocky animals that feel quite at home in a wide variety of atmospheric and gravitational conditions.”

Tyranid bio-technology is familiar but also different

Tyranid tech even in Rogue Trader was all biological, and you can see the kernels of 2e+ Tyranids here.
“Most advanced races utilise bio-engineering to some extent, creating creatures/machines from biological components. Tyranids, however, use very little conventional mechanical technology. Almost all of their needs are met by cultured biological components. Equipment. weapons and even spacecraft are organic. Many are grown from specially engineered slave creatures raised aboard the largest Hive ships or even in surrounding space itself […] both plants and animals can be reduced to maleable protoplasmic components before being tailored to specific uses. such as extending the hive fleet. From piles of raw and heaving flesh the equivalents of computers, lasers, control systems and even warp engines are created. “
Apparently a lot of Tyranid tech is plant based, except when certain complex materials are needed. Now I can't get the image of a Tyranid farmer out of my head.
“Many simple artifacts are plant derived. Complex devices require more biologically complex raw material, often in the form of higher animals.”
Something really interesting is that Tyranids in Rogue Trader use standard warp technology and that they power it by sort of amalgamating a load of sentient beings into living devices which seemingly still have a mind of some sort. In a sense these early Tyranids are using something more like servitors and cogitators (but a lot more wet and fleshy) than the hyper-evolution/designed organisms of later Tyranids. There’s a bit of a body horror element there.
“The most sophisticated of all constructions require sentient life-forms such as humans and the other intelligent races. […] Many components can only be made from specific creatures. Specialised items such as warp engines, hull material. communications systems and life-support units for example. Component creatures are merged and reformed to produce the derived result - in the process of which the individual consciousness of the component creatures is almost destroyed. What remains of the component's identity is vital to its functioning - allowing a spacecraft to draw power from warp space.”

Tyranid hive fleets are way more literal. Also they have a society apparently

Unlike in later editions Tyranids are not a hive-mind. Instead their hive fleets are literally similar to insect hives. Hive-tyrants exist but they are more like an ant queen than anything – all the Tyranids of a fleet are their offspring.
“The hive is ruled over by a Hive-tyrant. Tyranid society is similar to that of social insects (such as ants and termites) and the Hive-tyrant represents the hive in more than name, for all the Tyranids of a hive are the children of the Hive-tyrant.”
Seriously, it’s not subtle:
“Hugely bloated with eggs, the Hive-tyrant is largely immobile, the day-to-day affairs of the hive are conducted via a sub-strata of Hive-lords.”
But Hive-tyrants were still psychic (the only psychic Tyranids) and the shadow in the warp sort of existed.
“Exposure to Tyranids tends to cause insanity amongst other races.[…] Hive-tyrants are always psychic with a mastery of 4.”
Something interesting is that the way new hive fleets form is that when a Hive-tyrant dies a bunch of “infant” Tyranids develop into new Hive-tyrants who disperse. Also apparently Tyranids had an infancy instead of being birthed from pools.
“Hive Tyrants are hermaphrodites, other Tyranids are sterile. The death of a Hive-tyrant means the dispersion of the hive itself, and the propagation of new Hive-tyrants from infant Tyranids.”
Another minor insight into how Tyranids were originally conceived of as a more “normal” alien race is that Hive Fleets had guards and police, implying that OG Tyranids committed crimes against each other.
“Zoats form the warrior-corps of the Hive Fleets and are found in the capacity of guards and police as well as fighting warriors.”

Tyranid equipment was brilliantly horrifying

Unlike in later editions where Tyranid “equipment” is part of their biology or symbiotic in Rogue Trader it’s more like normal equipment but still all biological. Frankly it sounds disgusting and I love it. Also because Tyranid’s here don’t have a hive mind they actually have radios (which have ‘talking orifices’ shudder) and that presumably means they were intended to have a language of some sort.
“Tyranid equipment is manufactured from biological components - however, it functions in the same way as mechanical equipment, and is easily as effective. Functions performed by electrical and mechanical devices are replicated by their biological equivalents; talking orifices for communicators, muscles for levers. etc.”
Some of the gear seems very weird in retrospect. The idea of a Tyranid wearing power armour (even biological power armour) is strange to think of. You can see the beginning of the idea for some of the iconic later Tyranid equipment though.
“Armour of all types is worn. including powered armour and the various field devices. Favoured weapons are blasters - these having the unique ability to grow their own ammunition! Combat weapons are frequently carried in sheaths attached to a straps along the creature's side.”
Tyranids wore clothes (sort of) and they wore things just for fashion purposes!
“Tyranids do not normally wear clothing, although they may have a complex harness containing pockets and equipment pouches. Belts are often worn in a purely decorative mode and are carefully grown from cultured skin or fur. A unit usually has the same kind of armour throughout where present, forming a kind of uniformity, although officers may vary to some extent.”

Genestealers were a thing but they weren't Tyranids

Genestealers in Rogue Trader were not connected to Tyranids in any way. They would be folded into the Hive Fleets in the 2e codex years later with the Genestealer “homeworld” simply becoming the first place that Genestealers were encountered by the Imperium and the Ymgarl Genestealers becoming a Genestealer variant. They looked not dissimilar to later Genestealers except it was all blue and had a kind of facehugger leech for a head.
*“This enigmatic monster originates from one of the moons of Ymgarl, but has spread throughout space and is threatening to become a real menace. In its native state it is blue, has two pairs of clawed arms, along muscular tail and a tough leech-like body. Its head is a simple tube full of slobbering tendrils and sharp inward-pointing teeth.” *
The Alien parallels are not subtle.
“What makes the Genestealer truly unique is its deadly and extremely rapid reproductive cycle. Genestealers are of a single gender, and are incapable of reproducing amongst themselves. To reproduce they require another creature, any creature will suffice, of any gender. For all the Genestealer requires is the basic genetic material which is contained in every living cell of the mate. A Genestealer implants its own genetic material in the form of an egg capsule, which is forced into the body of the host by an extendible ovipository normally secreted inside the head. The implantation does not kill the mate immediately, but the implanted egg quickly grows until ready to burst out as an immature Genestealer. Needless to say, this kills the parent/host.”
The seeds of later Genestealer lore and the Genestealer cults are already present though, and much closer to the end result than for the Hive Fleets themselves. Also the idea of Genestealer “families” being multi-species is referenced which is an interesting aspect that was sort of lost by the wayside.
“Interestingly enough, newly born creatures, although fundamentally Genestealers, will have characteristics inherited from the host parent. Thus a Genestealehuman may have a vaguely humanoid head, or only two arms instead of the usual four, and perhaps its tail will be shortened or missing. A Genestealer of four or more generations consistent human parentage would pass for a human on cursory inspection, although a closer look would reveal a bluish skin, sharp pointed teeth and rather disturbing stare […] A Genestealer of human or other parentage will have characteristics which are a cross between the pure form and the alien parent. This means that Genestealers may even acquire a degree of intelligence […] Genestealers in games lend themselves to all sorts of interesting situations. Their vampirish habits can be exploited to enact games with vampiric plots, in which, for example, a human/genestealer lordling is being attacked in his castle by outraged peasants supported by an Inquisitor and imperial troops. The Genestealer has a few of his offspring to help him defend his home, perhaps including a few curious cross-breeds such as Wolf-Genestealers, Razorwing/ Genestealers, etc. Remember - Genestealers are not necessarily evil or stupid, cross-humans will have many human traits, may socialise with humans, and may even help humans in some circumstances.”
Also Genestealers in Rogue Trader are actual evolved creatures and not just parasitic forward scouts for an all consuming hive mind, so they actually fit into the ecology of their homeworld. It’s only a passing mention, but it’s a nice touch.
“On their home world, Genestealers exploit a large leech-like creature called a Csith which is the usual mate. Matings with a Csith always produce natural Genestealers, no matter what its parentage otherwise.”

The End

Anyway that’s all folks! The Tyranids didn’t get a lot of love in Rogue Trader (and wouldn’t for quite a while afterwards) but there sure were a lot of interesting ideas packed into a small package.
submitted by Splash_Attack to 40kLore [link] [comments]

Hunter or Huntress Chapter 90: A Bad Night

So another round one, chapter 90. Only 10 to go for the big number, this actually also marks 1000 novel size pages of story-making just over 277.000 words thus far O_o For comparison, the lord of the rings is 576.000 so damn near halfway there... Holy fuck that is a lot of writing in just over three months. To mark the occasion this one is a special one. at some point, during today's story, there is going to be a fade to black and a little link (If you are speed machines please have patients it's coming ASAP)
Now in there, you will find nothing but gratuitous pancake, this is so that you have the choice, you may skip the standalone chapter and I promise you are not missing any of the actual story, at least as little as I could manage. for the rest of you Enjoy,
With the semantics out of the way, I say we get on with the story,
ko-fi For having more pretty pictures commissioned.
Wiki Discord
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Chapter 90: A Bad Night
Luke had returned with a gaggle of kids, who all looked rather overwhelmed by what they saw coming out. There were a lot of them, Tom counted twelve in total. All of them rather young; he guessed the oldest one looked about nine.
“Look, dragon!” a young boy shouted, running over to Jarix with a few others on his heels. Some were looking around, clearly searching for people who might not be here anymore. Others stood staring at Tom.
The sight of other kids also caused a fair amount of excitement, Luke ushering the more timid kids towards the ones from Hylsdal.
Tom just stood there putting a hand around Jacky’s waist, looking at the best reason for doing all this. He chuckled as Jarix elevated his head just out of grabbing range as the more excitable of the kids tried to touch his face. He had a smile on though, even if he looked a little unsure of what to do. Zarko was on hand to help though, telling off the kids who tried to climb up the wounded dragon.
It took some coaxing, but in the end, most of the kids had been convinced to start playing with each other, though some were still around sitting either crying or just keeping to themselves. Lothal was doing his best to try and console his friends and doing a remarkably good job of it. Tom couldn't decide if he was proud or sad at seeing an eleven-year-old acting like an adult.
Dinner was nothing special, just some more of the stew from earlier with some rather stale tasting bread. Jacky, Tom, Zarko, and Unkai had sat together with the lady, Luke, Requi and the healer who was sort of conscious for the moment. She was apparently called Quin, at least for short. Unkai too was sitting rather slack-eared, clearly having been put to hard work already.
Jarix was given some cuts of cured meat. The lady had brought out both some decent ale and even some wine, which was passed around the table. Tom had never tried dragonette wine before, so, despite his reservations about mixing alcohol with blood loss, he poured a cup for himself. That was an old student tactic, after all, to donate blood before a night on the town. It made things a bit cheaper.
“We might not be able to put together a feast, but we can do this, a small token of thanks. Luke, if you wouldn’t mind,” The Lady went as she took her seat, Luke standing up raising a glass.
“To the heroes in our hour of need!”
Tom damn near stood up to join Luke, Zarko grabbing him by the shoulder to keep him seated. As the assembled dragonettes of the keep gave a toast. Tom didn’t really know if he felt proud or just uncomfortable at this point. On one hand, he could look around the room to see many faces, most of which appeared happy. On the other hand, many definitely weren’t: a lone wounded father with a sobbing kid; the kids from Hylsdal; the countless wounded, some looking like they might not fly or even walk properly again.
“To the crazy bastard who made it possible,” Jackalope went as she raised her cup looking at Tom, apparently figuring out what was being toasted.
“Hey!” Jarix let out, clearly trying to sound offended. “To the crazy bastards who made it possible,” Zarko corrected, raising her cup.
“To wiping those fuckers off the map,” Tom joined in, feeling a little left out.
“Cheers to that,” The silvered huntress replied without much enthusiasm, slamming her drink down in one go. She was joined by the others. Tom took his time with his wine though. As expected it was rather sweet, definitely not bad though. They hadn’t made a huge thing out of the meal, it was just stew and bread after all, even if their drinks were well above average.
It had been a rather awkward meal though. Jackalope couldn’t partake in the conversation unless Tom or someone else wrote down for her what was going on. They all did their best to avoid the more depressing subject matters, but it was pretty damn hard to avoid them in their current state. Quite a few of the others had taken to drinking rather heavily. Tom could hardly blame them, but he kept it mild for now. Jacky, though, did make a dent in the ale supply. She didn’t get piss drunk, but she was definitely inebriated by now.
“You know, I’ve never been called a hero before,” Jacky went, leaning on Tom after they had finished the meal. “You still got the ace though… You always get the ace… Why are you so damn good at killing?” She questioned hanging on his shoulders.
Tom didn’t really know how to answer her on that one. “You know what,” She went, pulling back and poking him in the chest with a finger. “You get to teach me how. You’re not getting the ace next time,” Tom pondered for a second if that was a smart thing to agree to. It was likely going to happen though, so why not.
“I guess that’s the smart part about being deaf, I can’t hear if you're protesting, so I’m just gonna say you agreed,” Jackalope continued before he managed to nod his reply. She poured a fresh mug for the both of them, snickering. Tom debated getting out the notepad to try and tell her he needed to be a little careful when it came to alcohol right now. She beat him to it though. “You’re not drinking like last time; afraid we might do something stupid?”
Unkai damn near choked at that one. Zarko just shook her head, looking a tad embarrassed. ’Remember the angry smith Tom, Remember the angry smith,’ he repeated to himself. He got out the notepad to write down a response. Tom made well sure no one else saw what he wrote as he showed it to Jacky.
“I’m wounded, also your mother,” she pulled back a bit, looking a little annoyed.
“She is not here nor will she be... Hey Unkai! Can you give him a check? He claims to be wounded; I don’t want him dying on me.” She went, sounding entirely inappropriate.
Even Zarko had to suppress a slight laugh at that, Unkai looking like a deer in the headlights as Jacky’s attention switched to him.
“I mean sure. I’ll just finish this,” the healer replied, gesturing at his cup.
“I can’t hear you,” Jackalope reiterated with a side to side head bob. Unkai looked very embarrassed, just giving her a thumbs up instead.
‘Oh boy,’ Tom thought to himself, shrinking down.
“I think he needs more liquid courage to handle me though. Watch closely Unkai, you might learn how to grow a spine. Even if it’s only for a bit,” Jackalope continued, laughing at her own joke as she poured another drink for herself and refilling Tom’s cup.
“The man who went toe to toe with a small army and he needs help to handle you. What does that tell you?” Zarko let out, looking at Tom, seeming very pleased with herself.
“Don’t let them get to you Tom, you're braver than her,” Jarix added, ensuring that everyone in the entire hall was now invested in the conversation.
Tom just picked up the mug of ale she had poured for him. Jackalope excitedly raised hers as they knocked them together. ‘May the hangover have mercy on my soul,’ Tom thought to himself. He had been saved after a few mugs by the lady declaring that they needed to save enough for a proper feast when they could manage it.
The result was a nice buzz and an even cockier Jackalope as they left the table. Perhaps it was her time for some healing following that whole shit show. He had never seen her as distraught as she was at Hylsdal. Not to mention the expression on her face when Zarko had carried the body of the dead girl away after they landed.
Apparently, alcohol had at the very least helped her think about something else, as she was spouting funny stories and, of course, boasting about how amazing she had been in the battle. That had led to a hasty explanation about how Tom had let her borrow some of his power during the battle. He wasn’t entirely sure if any of the locals bought it, but they were way too polite to question the explanation though. Or possibly scared, or just didn’t care, he wasn’t quite sure.
Unkai had gone over Jackalope first and deemed her as fixed as she could be right now; he didn't dare try to fix her ears, claiming that to be way beyond him. He sounded confident that Nunuk might be able to put them back together again though. Jackalope let out an annoyed sigh at the news, though the part about Nunuk did help.
It was clear Jacky and Tom had received priority when it came to getting fixed up after the battle. Unkai had put in some work on Tom, mainly putting his effort into the stinger wound on his side. Tom had him check his neck wound as thoroughly as he could manage. But Unkai claimed that was as good as it was going to get, though he recommended some resting time.
“Fuck, I took painkillers earlier,” Tom let out as Unkai touched the stinger wound, which didn’t hurt as much as it should have.
“Is that bad?” Unkai had questioned, looking at the wound.
“I drank alcohol too, you're not supposed to mix those.” Unkai looked at Tom as if he was expecting more than that.
“Well don’t look at me, I don’t know how they work,” he finally responded, Jackalope’s face growing worried at the exchange, her gaze breaking as she looked to Unkai.
“He’s fine, right? He’s been stung before. He’s tough on that front even if his skin is soft like a kid’s,” She asked with worry in her voice slurring slightly, Tom taking slight offense at the last part. Unkai turned to her, giving her a thumbs up and a smile before looking back at the wound.
“Anything we can do about it?” the healer questioned, clearly trying to not look worried this time, for Jacky’s sake.
“Don’t think so. I guess I’m just gonna cross my fingers and wait it out,” Tom answered truthfully. He had no clue what the actual effect of that might be. He felt fine though. He was a little weird in the head, but that was honestly to be expected in his current condition.
“Well I don’t think you’re gonna be sleeping alone anyway, but consider it medical advice to have someone look after you,” Unkai replied trying a sly smile, which just looked wrong on him.
“Tom the hot stone reporting for duty,” Tom joked back as Unkai went about reapplying the bandage to the wound. Jacky’s gaze switching back to Tom seemingly excited, the edges of her mouth curling into a slight smile.
The young woman who had washed his clothes earlier had shown them up to the bedrooms after the quick check-up.
“We have a few rooms which weren’t in use before, don’t worry it’s not… someones. I'm sorry if they are dirty, but you can have one each if you want.” She sounded really rather uncomfortable. Tom could get why. He could see the number of rooms and there had to be at least a few that had owners until recently.
“This is very kind of you. Thank you,” Tom replied, the woman giving a curtsy before making her way back down the stairs rather hurriedly. Tom got out the notepad to ask Jacky if she wanted to share a room. Thinking back, that wasn’t at all necessary; he just felt like it was the right thing to at least ask.
Jackalope though didn’t bother to ask him. Taking him by the wrist rather firmly, she led him into the first room the young woman had shown them.

The Pancake Chapter: Pancake!
Balethon now safely in her grasp, Sapphire circled back the way she came. She almost wanted to tell him to enjoy this since she was likely not gonna be carrying him again, not to mention at night in nothing but her underwear. The dude had already had a remarkably shitty night though, so she refrained.
She spotted the large disorganized group which had been supposed to keep the tavern safe. They had set down in a square and were looking around confused as Sapphire came in to land. She was quickly greeted by a near-hysterical Haiko who looked ready to drop his mace as he nearly trod on Balethon in an attempt to hug her faster.
“You’re okay, right? Nothing wrong?”
“I’m fine, the bastards couldn’t shoot.”
“Oh thank whoever cared,” he let out, squeezing her tightly.
“Where is Dakota?” Sapphire squeaked out from his embrace. He let go of her taking a step back looking around.
“Not here. Neither is that Maiko guy, and he damn near caught up to you before you shot off into the darkness. You haven't gotten any slower, have you now?”
“Not by much, no,” she replied, looking down to her stricken cargo. “Let’s get him to sit up somewhere. Any of you got some water?” she questioned, looking to the other guards. Her eyes landed on someone being bound up. She assumed it was the mercenary who had tried to attack her. “You're a shit fighter, I hope you know that,” She shouted out, glaring at the arsehole, who just stared at her with clear contempt.
Draki had come over with a canteen of water, looking up to Sapphire and looking a bit strained in the face before he turned to Haiko.
“I owe you two silver, don’t I?” the diminutive guy asked, seeming rather annoyed.
“I told you, she’s the fastest woman you ever saw,” Haiko replied with a smile, trying to fold out Balethon, eventually giving up. “Grab on, let’s put him on that bench over there,” he went, grabbing Balethon by the legs, with Sapphire taking the shoulders as they carried him over. He was stiff as a board, though the panicked look in his eyes was at least sort of gone.
“You put a bet on me catching them?” Sapphire questioned as set him down. She wasn’t sure if she should be flattered or angry. Haiko held up his hands defensively, shaking his head.
“No no, Draki just didn’t believe all the stories, so I put two silver on the stories being true. Easiest bet ever.” That was more to Sapphire’s liking, and she gave him a slightly wicked smile. “You know we used to get a slice of the bets back then.”
“Hey, I got you your own personal protection service,” He replied, gesturing to the motley collection of dragonettes mulling about the square.
“That’s a word for it, I guess,” Sapphire replied, not overly impressed. It wasn’t like they had done much good tonight. “Take good care of him, I have some questions,” she went, leaving Haiko and going over to the now thoroughly tied up dragonette who had attacked her, the questioning already underway. Someone let out a suggestive growl as she walked by. The fact that she was wearing nothing but her underpants in the middle of the street dawning on her.
“Do that again and I’ll kill you,” she snarled, not sure who the offending member was, before turning her attention to the mercenary. “So… You thought kidnapping one of my friends was a good idea? How well would you say that went?” She questioned looking down at the piece of shit.
“Fucking brilliantly,” he responded angrily. “I ended up with a nice view if nothing else,” he continued with a shit-eating grin.
“How hard may I punch him?” She demanded, looking around at the guards. Most of them just looked confused at each other.
“As hard as I say so,” Maiko bellowed out, coming down alongside Dakota, who was carrying a very large unconscious female dragonette with an arrow sticking out of her back.
“Not your best shot, but it did the trick,” Dakota let out, unceremoniously dumping the dragonette on the ground before setting down. “Tie her up too, she won’t be out forever.”
After a bit they got the both of them tied up at about the same time as a contingent of city guards arrived, demanding to know what was going on. Sapphire cursed the fact she likely wouldn’t be allowed to beat the shit out of them now, as they began asking some very pointed questions.
“Oh yeah sure, a group of armed what was it... Tavern guards? Out at night with a pair of half-naked women and a dude who claims to be Royal Guard. And why has she been shot?!” the lead city guard questioned, looking around at them.
“Because she kidnapped him after stabbing him with vargulf poison,” Sapphire let out, wide armed. “How the fuck is that hard to understand!?”
“Calm down woman, who shot her?” the man questioned pointing at the female mercenary.
“I did and two other pieces of shit who tried to kill us!”
“Right, you're all coming with us. We need to know what happened here. Manacles,” the City Guard replied, snapping his fingers over his shoulder and receiving the item in question. Sapphire’s heart sank; she had never been arrested before. Closest she had ever gotten was being given a stern talking to for sneaking into the training fields.
Dakota looked ready with a reply, when Maiko beat her to it.
“Listen up you little shit-eating ground rat, see what this is?!” He went, holding up his sword, which true to form bore the royal insignia on the crossguard. “I will make a cape out of your fucking wings if you don’t man up and do your fucking job. These bastards attacked a tavern in the middle of the night, attempted murder, managed a kidnapping, then had a go at murder again during the desperate chase to catch them and your useless ass turns up just in time to insult the Royal Guard and be useless.”
“I’m gonna have to ask you to...” the city guard attempted to protest, though seemingly with a growing sense of apprehension.
“No, you may not. You are outranked! Or do I need to get the colonel to inform her the city guard is aiding an enemy of the crown? That would lead to some serious fucking cleansing of your unit, I can assure you of that!”
“In that case, I say we take you to the stockade and send for this colonel of yours, perhaps letting her know someone stole a blade from the Royal Guard armories.” Sapphire expected Maiko to explode at that insult, though he just pulled back with an evil smile.
“Very good sir, let’s go. Though I would appreciate the opportunity to get my uniform before appearing before my superior. You may escort me to the tavern in question if you wish.”
“That can be arranged, I assume you two wouldn’t mind getting dressed either, though I must insist on you accompanying us. Don’t we have a blanket or something?” he asked, looking back to his unit, eventually procuring a pair of thin woolen blankets.
“Bloody brilliant sir, how exactly do we fly with these?” Dakota questioned sounding very unimpressed.
As they were getting ready for takeoff Sapphire heard someone get a smack to the back of the head as she moved to check up on Balethon. Looking back, a slightly ashamed looking tavern guard was rubbing the back of his head, a very unimpressed woman standing next to him. ‘God fucking dammit’ she cursed to herself.
The ones who had woken up in the middle of the night broke off, going back to the tavern to get dressed in preparation for a long night. They wanted the bastards interrogated immediately anyway, even if getting interrogated themselves hadn't really been the plan. If this was the work of the Flaxens they would be doing their best to cover their tracks as soon as they learned of the mission's failure, so speed was of the essence.
“Why can’t we just be left in peace!” Dakota snapped as they were getting dressed. “Please let it just be the Flaxens so we can get them dealt with already.”
“Of course it’s them, who else could it be?” Sapphire dismissed her as she strapped on her greaves. Sapphire had a feeling Colonel Hashaw would not take kindly to this attack so she was bound to be there, therefore she needed to look proper in case they got fine company at the stockade.
Maiko had gone on to the Hashaw Estate to report back on the evening’s activities and hopefully convince Victoria to make an appearance. So Sapphire and Dakota found themselves standing in front of the stockade with a city guard escort.
It was a large, ugly building, looking like a place you wanted to avoid at all costs with its rough grey stone and metal barred cell windows lining the walls. “May they rot in here forever,” Sapphire let out as they were shown inside. She and Dakota were taken to different interrogation rooms. They were civil about it though, not even tying her up like she had feared.
The guy who had ‘caught them’ as he claimed was apparently in charge of this case. He formally introduced himself as Sergeant Lanok and set about asking questions, not many of which were intelligent. Where they were from, what they were doing here, why they had an armed escort in the middle of the night despite not even being properly dressed at the time.
He of course didn't believe most of the answers he was getting. Especially the part about being in the employ of the king at the moment, nor the whole Flaxen situation.
“What? You claim to be the target of a kidnapping attempt by a noble family, one on the council at that?! Give me a break,” Sapphire had to fight really hard not to slap him, but she didn’t want to end up in manacles, so she just stared at him contemptuously. Then there was a deep thunk that shook the building followed by creaking wood from above.
“This should be good,” Sapphire let out, leaning back with a smirk, relishing in the confusion on the guy’s face.
It took a bit longer than Sapphire had anticipated, as she refused to answer further questions, but there was eventually a knock on the door, Sergeant Lanok getting up to answer it. He was confronted by a very pissed looking Colonel Hashaw in formal uniform, Maiko and Yilditz at her back.
“You seem to have attempted to arrest one of my men and two people you really shouldn’t have. Not to mention waking both me and a decidedly grumpy 10 ton black dragon currently on your roof.”
‘So it wasn’t Baron then,’ Sapphire concluded. She doubted very much he could have been roused for this anyway, it also made sense to bring a black, they liked the night anyway. Maiko had been decent at laying out a string of insults, but Hashaw was clearly the source of his talent, as she chewed out not only the sergeant but anyone dumb enough to make an objection or not make themselves as small as they could including the captain of the Stockade much to Sapphire's horror.
It definitely helped that she was flanked by Ylditz, the person who had been tasked with finding out who the mercenaries were, as well as a few other family members. The dragon in question was apparently Tiguan, one of Jarix's training buddies. Sapphire guessed he was here just as much for a bit of experience then.
“Is there anyone dumb or useless enough in here to have anything more to say...? Very good. Where are the two who ‘actually’ need questioning?”
The tavern guards had been allowed to go, though Haiko had stuck around. The Sergeant was now looking very small as he took them to the room where the one who hadn’t been shot was sitting. The woman who had been carrying Balethon currently being treated.
“Do you have even the slightest idea how much you fucked up tonight?” Hashaw asked as she strode in the door, the sergeant holding it open for her.
“Pretty fucking badly I presume, but what the hell are you gonna do, huh? Gonna execute me, perhaps clip my wings? Doesn't matter if you’re Royal Guard or tavern guard the punishment is the same. So you don’t scare me woman or should I say… oh, Colonel, wow I really did fuck up, huh?” Well, Sapphire had to give it to him, he was taking the news that he was likely done for rather well, or perhaps he was just in denial about the whole thing.
“Oh, I can do worse than that I think. Sapphire, you wouldn’t happen to have learned a thing or two from our friend?”
“Might have done,” she admitted, thinking back to what she could remember of Tom’s escapades.
“Sergeant, what is the punishment for his crimes?”
“Well, he failed to kill anyone, hence he is charged with attempted murder and attempted kidnapping. So indentured servitude for quite a while. Unless he could pay for a prison sentence of course.”
“Right then, how about this? Tell me who sent you and I will pay for your prison time,” the colonel then went, looking to the perp. “I know you were hired to do this, so while you may be a piece of shit it’s not you that I want. Alternatively, I could start pulling strings until we get some alone time with you and make your life really fucking unpleasant.”
Sapphire looked slightly nervously to the sergeant, but he was still cowering, so she guessed Hashaw got away with threatening to break the law inside the stockade. It was a generous offer too. If this guy was going away for a long time, paying for it wasn’t gonna be cheap.
“You know my choice is death or slavery here. You can’t be dumb enough to believe they will let me live if I talk.”
“That depends on who sent you, because if it is who I think it is they won't be around to send someone to kill you after this.” Again Sapphire was fairly sure they couldn't condemn the entire Flaxen family for something like this, but hey if it works it works.
“You seriously think we take jobs directly? It’s not the client that will kill me dipshit. My boss would.” Hashaw was very clearly not pleased with that answer, as she turned to the sergeant.
“Would you agree this man is guilty, on the word of both independent tavern guards, the Royal Guard, and our two huntresses of the noble Bizmati Keep? Or do you insist on a mock trial for this piece of shit?”
The sergeant looked a tad bewildered for a second before nodding. “Yes ma’am. I’ll have him sent off to the deepest mine I can find tomorrow.”
“No, I want him handed over to the Royal Guard so we may question him as an enemy combatant.”
“You cannot do that and you know it,” the sergeant replied, finally standing up for himself. Clearly to Hashaw’s great annoyance.
“Then I want you to get me a telepath. Am I correct in assuming his rights on that matter are no longer in place even if I can’t pull his claws out?”
“Yes, but we don’t have one, ma’am. You must understand, a criminal’s mind is not exactly the kindest place to be.”
“Weak-minded cowards,” Hashaw cursed, looking away pondering. “Fine keep him here, you may continue with your excuse for questioning. I’ll be back, luckily not everyone is as weak of spine.”
So then We have prisoners to work with once again. hopefully, they will fare a little better than the last one. then again... Maybe not. As always do let me know what you thought down below be it good bad or just generally hilarious.
until next time, have an awesome day.

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Just in case you missed it, the pancake chapter: Pancake!
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what does two thumbs up mean video

4 Non Blondes - What's Up (Official Music Video) - YouTube What does it mean to hit the subscribe button and the thumbs up button And the bell 7 Sounds Cats Make and What They Mean - YouTube Granny Chapter 2 In Real Life  Thumbs Up Family - YouTube Why Rotten Tomatoes scores don't mean what they seem - YouTube What Does ‘Two Thumbs Down’ 👎👎 Official Extended Trailer  SpongeBob ... What Does This Emoji Mean? - YouTube Three Birds Renovations get real in 60 seconds! What does ... Windows 10 settings System Project to this PC option what ...

two thumbs up (Noun) A hand gesture indicating strong approval. Etymology: From the gesture of putting up two thumbs instead of just one; see thumbs up. What does "two thumbs up" symbol mean? when i come to a rock show, i always see people raise their hand with point-finger and little-finger. I know it's means "i love you" and a German friend explain me that means "devil", too (you raise your hand up to your forehead, it's will be looked like 2 horns of devils). two thumbs up An indication of one's approval or enthusiasm. The phrase can refer to the actual gesture, which carries the same meaning, or can be used figuratively. What does it mean when someone sends you a thumbs up? Context is everything in this case - and in most instances, a thumbs up emoji is just an acknowledgement of a previous message. However, using the emoji to respond to an invitation could be seen as rude - as Heather intended. That said, “Two thumbs-up is the f–k you and that’s universal text code.”. But when a producer pulled Gay aside to ask if the text was meant as a “f–k you” to Barlow, she replied The thumbs-up emoji also frequently punctuates text, sometimes in strings for additional emphasis, to indicate positivity, agreement, approval, encouragement, or assurance, an equivalent to “Awesome!” or Great job!”. Someone might comment “That looks great! ” to celebrate a piece of online artwork. Fuck you, ”— a reference to a text exchange between the two that ended with Gay sending a pair of thumbs up emojis, which, according to an insulted Barlow, is “universal text code” for Thumbs Up Emoji with Dark Skin Tone HTML-entities. HTML entites are intended for using on websites. You can put Thumbs Up Emoji with Dark Skin Tone html entity code in decimal or hexadecimal form right in your message, and it will be translated into graphical representation of Thumbs Up Emoji with Dark Skin Tone after you submit. 👍🏿 emoji Alt-codes for Windows Thumbs Up Emoji with a thumbs-up gesture indicates approval, acceptance, or agreement. Often is used to say «everyhing is good» or «i like that». The Thumbs Up Emoji appeared in 2010, and also known as the Thumbs Up Symbol. According to, a thumbs up is used to "express assent, approval, or encouragement in digital communications, especially in Western cultures." 3. It's one of the most popular emojis

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